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Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Possible the worst webcam I've ever seen
PeterKeuning 09.04.2021
I got this webcam hoping that it be at least a bit better than the build in webcam of my Dell desktop screen. This is however very much not the case though, since it completely oversaturates if you have anything more than a candle for lighting.
It basically has too exposure settings: dark beyond sight and brighter than the surface of the sun. There are no controls for changing stuff like brightness or exposure, because why would there be? Who wouldn't like to look on their webcam to be one huge white blur with eyes?
I know it's available and not that expensive, but you're literally better off having no cam whatsoever. This is absolute and utter garbage and should be treated as such.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Cheap and good
Theobald 03.11.2021
Really good camera. It stands perfectly still on the 4 monitors I tried. There is a good autofocus, the image quality is good, the camera handles well low light environments. The mask to slide on top of the camera is a mechanical shutter, which is perfect. My only complain is that there is no switch to turn off the microphone. Since I do not need it, I simply opened the camera and unplugged the microphone (which voids the warranty, don't do it if you are not sure about it). By the way, I think it is a stereo mic, if this is important to you.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Auto-focus, stereo-sound, full-HD, tripod OK
Tomoyo 31.08.2021
I like it because of the auto-focus. It's not ideal, but good. Camera can be attached to a tripod, and it's a very handy option. Like, other cameras for the price don't have that option. Stereo-sound is a plus too. You won't find anything similar for the price at the offline stores. Would be great if it would have 60 fps, but probably it would raise the price higher.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Just a webcam
Dante E 22.03.2023
nothing too special, its a webcam, it does what its supposed to.
the microphone is terrible though, so I recommend getting something else with it for that.