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Ottieni 90 giorni gratuiti di Guitareo con il tuo acquisto da Thomann!
Porta le tue lezioni di chitarra al livello successivo con l’offerta esclusiva di Thomann e Guitareo! Se acquisti questa chitarra tra il 3 dicembre 2024 e il 28 febbraio 2025 riceverai in aggiunta 90 giorni di accesso gratuito a Guitareo
Inclusi nei 90 giorni gratuiti:
Expert Lessons: Impara dai più grandi chitarristi del mondo con istruzioni video passo a passo, esercizi, sfide e corsi.
Practice Tools: Accedi a una varietà di strumenti sviluppati per aiutarti a fare pratica in modo più intelligente, non più difficile.
Thousands of Guitareless Tracks: Accompagna le tue canzoni preferite, modifica il tempo e ripeti in loop le parti più difficili.
Community Support: Unisciti a una community di chitarristi appassionati che condividono il tuo amore per la musica.
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Value for money-Taveller guitar
Vasilis_k 17.12.2019
I own this guitar a few months now.The idea behind this purchase was to own a guitar that is easy to have it with me when I travel,I travel a lot because of my job.So,for this kind of use i believe its a good value for money.The sound its not sth superb,i believe with some aftermarket pick ups will sound better(not interested really).The feel on the guitar its good for the money but the tremolo i suggest to keep it locked because its not so stable as far as the tuning.Its just a good traveller guitar for practice and jamming with some backing tracks in a hotel room.So,if you looking for a descent traveller guitar i think that is a way to go.
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Surprisingly good 01.10.2023
I have a number of conventional 6 strings, although I am primarily a bass player. I bought this as a travel guitar, I needed something that takes up a lot less space than a 'normal' 6 string.
Pros: Much smaller footprint than any other guitar I have, takes up very little space in a car full of the half of the house that she who must be obeyed insists on packing whenever we travel. Very glossy and blemish free finish - looks very impressive. To my ears the pickups are pretty good, I have no complaints as to their output and tones. The electronics seem to be of a high standard, matching the rest of the construction. Very nice neck finish and feel. The neck is comfortable to play. The guitar is light and the factory set up is perfectly OK, although I will probably lower the action a little. The versatile bridge is a wonderful feature - being able to hard tail the guitar by simply swinging the locking arm into position nis fabulous. Stays in tune very well.
Cons: double ball end strings are expensive. So I bought a Steinberg adaptor to enable the use of standard strings. Setting the hard tail and tremolo is a bit tricky. Looking very closely there are a few areas inside the single coil pickup cavity that were missed when it was sprayed and one rough bit of routing. That is the only reason why I have docked one star from quality.
Conclusion: this guitar surprised me, it is actually so good that I might very well gig it as a standby with the two guitar duo I play in, although my Schekter is always going to win that battle!
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Good Instrument-Lousy Quality Control
The stand at the bottom of the guitar is mounted trapezoid. The volume knob also moves curved while turning it in the same way. And there was a problem with the pick-up selector and its solders. I had to bring it to a luthier. I don't want to deal with returning it. Manufacturers in Indonesia and Thomann staff should pay attention to these details during the quality control phase. Other than that, it's a great instrument for its price. I really loved it. I bought it for travel but I guess I won't be buying a new one as the original guitar and I'm going to use this one.
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Great Value For The Money
Runi 12.10.2020
Steinberger Spirit 2018 are the greatest guitars I've found in this price-range. After setup they are a true joy to play... ergonomically and sound wise !
I would easily recommend it for any guitar lover. Also a great travel companion.