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Pad Oil
Pad Life was developed to clean sticky pads and to free the tone holes from impurities that occur with leather pads.
The "pores" of the leather are kept clean and open to allow moisture to pass through the leather into the felt backing and backing, extending the life of the pads
This product does not make the pad rubberlike, you cannot use too much of it or use it too often
Within an hour the pad will regain its colour and be dry, leaving the leather softer and more flexible without changing the fit of the pad
Handling: put the liquid on a strip of paper and place it between the tone hole and the pad and pull out the paper strip while slightly pressing the flap
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Sehr gut
Longhorn 27.11.2023
Ich benutze es für das gesamte Sax. Klappen innen, sowie alle Scharniere...eben alle beweglichen Teile. Auftragen, Überschuss entfernen und mit Polish einsprühen. Nach dem Trocknen mit Microfasertuch auspolieren. So bleibt alles wie neu.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Klebende Polster adé
Tobisax 27.06.2024
Ich nutze das Pad Life regelmäßig zur Pflege der Polster sowie für klebende Klappen. Für mich das einzig wahre, um klebende Klappen dauerhaft zu vermeiden.