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Ottima valvola, utilizzata per schiarire un pò il suono del mio Bugera V5
che con le valvole originali suona troppo scuro.
Aspetto la prova del tempo per verificane la durabilità.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Great quality replacement tube
cbd123 14.05.2018
Bought these to replace the stock ones in my Laney Cub 12R, which were making loud 'popping' noises.
No issues with these in the four or so years since doing that.
I also couldn't hear a difference between before and after (except the absence of the popping noises!) - at least on the Laney it seems not to affect the tone too much.
I'd definitely recommend these, even just to keep as spares, especially because getting these ones from Thomann is significantly cheaper than anywhere else, at least in small quantities.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Retubed my Laney Lionheart L5T
g.tasio 01.12.2020
Sovtek is probably the only brand where you know that tubes you order and what you'll get. Fender uses them, I use them. THey are durable, low noise and sound great!