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the product is very good but...
Academia Symphonica 28.04.2020
This is my favorite cleaning rod. It has only one little problem. The point of the metal rod, which has a screw for the brush attachment, has a small red plastic cap that you screw in to avoid making holes into the red fabric....well the small cap lasts 5 days each time I buy this product....its a minor issue, but you will end up with a hole at the top of the fabric, and you will have either to sew it of buy another (you can actually buy only the fabric)
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Die Ueberraschung schlecht hin.
EkkehardW 23.01.2014
Wie ich auf dieses Produkt kam, weiss ich nicht mehr, aber ich bin froh, dass ich beide Produkte (blau und rot) bestellte. Das eine benutze ich fur meine Tenorposaune und das andere fuer die Bassposaune. Beide putzen schonend und gruendlich. Besser als der Zug mit dem Buerstchen und die Posaune danke es.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Easy Cleaner!
Bexhill 05.09.2024
What every trombonist needs in their cleaning kit. Makes life easier and your trombone slides cleaner. Get rid of the grime and add some sparkle to your pride and joy!