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Superb microphone
sandstone 26.11.2018
For me as a one man band guitar player this mic is excellent choice, no more drop outs when I look at the neck of my guitar or down at my pedals or tablet. I have used SM58 my whole life and this is huge step up in sound quality. It looks great and durable.
At first I was hesitating considering the price but now I'm very happy I have invested some extra money in such a great piece of engineering. I still have couple of 58's as backup.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Top quality from Shure.
RokVox 15.12.2018
As you'd expect from Shure the build quality is excellent. Having used an SM58 for over 25 years a friend suggested I try a Sennheiser e945 as it made the SM58 sound as though you are singing through a blanket. I decided to try both the e945 and the SM58Beta. The e945 was the clear winner. Being a loyal Shure customer I decided to make the leap and try the KSM8. What a difference. Yes a lot more expensive than the e945 but worth every penny. It produces a clear natural sound and has needed no EQ tweaking... perfect straight out of the box. I have been using it for around 3 months and have had many comments on how my voice sounds so much more natural and clear. I would wholeheartedly recommend investing in this awesome mic.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Very Pleased
simril 24.10.2024
I recently purchased this mic specifically for an artist who was having trouble with mic technique. (They had none!). It was very difficult to keep them "on mic". The reduced "proximity effect" has worked really well all be it at fairly small venues and relatively low volumes.
At last they are able to be heard despite their inability to stop moving around.!
Quality is good construction wise and sound has been excellent. Topping my Neuman, so Very Pleased.