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Sono sempre stato scettico sui microfoni a clip, ma il beta 58 lo consiglio perchè mantiene perfettamente la pasta sonora della tromba ed è estremamente cristallino, la risposta poi in cuffia è eccezionale.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Great sound but not very robust
Anonimo 29.11.2015
The sound is always clear and full. The mic itself is great.
The cable feels pretty thin and flimsy and kinks easily.
The xlr clip wore pretty quickly, meaning xlr cables with weak or worn clips would pop/crackle during performance. Easily solved with good cables.
The horn clip fell apart after a year. Was relative easy to repair.
This mic was gigged hard for about a year, so some wear was expected, but I would have expected a bit better.
Still gets 4 stars because the mic itself sounds great and I generally really liked it but if you're looking for something absolutely bulletproof I would say look at some other options.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Good Value for money
Tom Duffy 24.04.2017
I use this Shure Beta 98 for my Pandeiro (Brazilian tambourine). It does exactly what I require it to. It has good range clarity and sensitivity. It is good value for money.
The swan neck is stable and the hardware solid. the initial cable and mic is very light and does not add to the weight of the instrument too much which allows for fluid playing without too much effort. This is solid kit and suits my playing
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Great quality mic
trumpetplanet 17.07.2018
I'm a professional trumpet player and I use this mic for playing in a range of different bands. The sound quality is consistently good. I was actually pretty surprised the first time I used it.
Having the mic a constant distance from the bell makes my sound in the mix much more consistent. I have also used this microphone for simple trumpet tutorial videos and it's plenty good enough for that.