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Lo uso con una 1x12 8 ohm vintage trenta, e' favoloso , comodo e portatile ... ci amplifico un Quad Cortex , sembra un ampli a valvole ed e ' abbastanza potente per prove e concerti live su palchi grandi ... l'eq e ' funzionale , la ventola fa un po di soffio ma trancurabilissimo in situzioni
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taddeomaiden 09.01.2019
Questo finale è fantastico: sufficientemente piccolo e leggero da entrare in pedaliera, ma abbastanza potente per tutte le esigenze.
Il suono è molto gradevole, sembra quasi di suonare un amplificatore valvolare, e l'equalizzazione è basilare ma funzionale.
Uso questo finale per basso: non solo l'amplificatore risponde bene comunque ma, suonando metal e non mettendo mai il volume oltre metà, posso garantire che il volume erogato è davvero più che sufficiente.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Great amp, awesome as a spare :)
SachaS 06.07.2018
Well, the sound out of this thing exceeds expectations. It is clean and clear all the way through to being dimed and I mean that, I tested with the volme on full, the wife wasn't too happy :) ! It's a great clean base for a pedal platform.
The only thing I was disappointed with is the output running through an 2x12 (Hareley Benton G212V) set at 8ohm mono. I bought the amp as a spare to keep in my bag when gigging should my Bugera V22 Head fail. First test was the sound and it is very good, not as dynamic as my tube amps but I don't expect it to be. Second test was to check the output at gig volumes and I'll be honest it isn't as loud as my gig volume from my Bugera. BUT we are a VERY loud band with a VERY heavy hitting drummer. It was pushing out about 95% of my Bugera when set at gig levels BUT this is not through 4ohms and likely through a 4ohm cab it would be crazy loud!! As it is I was going to return it in order to buy a DV Mark 250 but I missed the 30 day return period so I'll be keeping it and seeing whether it will be loud enough to gig with using my current setup. If not I may get some vintage 30s rated at 8ohms each for my G212V giving me 4ohms in series which would likely resolve the issue :)
UPDATE 02.08.18
I used it for practice last night and as I thought I was almost full on the volume and we were playing at a lower level than normal BUT I think it will be enough to serve as a backup so I'm well happy.
So, what did it sound like in a band setting? Great!!! It's not a valve amp and doesn't pretend to be but honestly it has a superb sound all of it's own. I'm beginning to really dig the way decent solid state amps respond to picking, they seem to be so much more immediate and I now know why some metal bands use them. The eq on it is exceptional, yes it's dark with the eq all at 12 BUT thats easy to dial out as the impact each knob has on the respective range is exceptional and inline with what I would expect from a valve amp amazingly. I would honestly be happy to travel with it and use it on any gig and be more than happy with my sound :)
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Unknownartıst 09.05.2020
My ax8 perfect right now with seymour duncan powerstage 170. You can hear any detail and transparent sound. eq stuff very functional. and just sizes like a stompbox.