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Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Beautiful work from Schlagwerk, as always
MrDngm 18.06.2023
Arrived in tune, plays very smoothly.
After switching to a rather esoteric tuning, I managed to track this into a section of a technical deathmetal song.
If I'm the first person do play a marimbula in such a context, I'll take as much blame as credit; you're all welcome and I'm not sorry.
If you buy a factory-made marimbula, this is the one you want. I encourage anyone with even a passing interest in the instrument to give Schlagwerk more reasons to keep producing these, despite the limited number of players who know what to do with one. The learning curve is not steep, just listen to some changui and the traditional patterns become available.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Rumba Box
Jacob G. 24.12.2013
We call this instrument (Rumba Box) in Jamaica.
I find the Marimbula more responsive,the sounds more distinct.
A very worthwhile buy,very happy.If you want a brilliant sounding instrument this is it.