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Favourite ligature out there!
Wayne Beatty 12.04.2018
Rovner ligs are by far my favourite ligature for almost all my mouthpieces. I find the make response and articulation easy and make the sound much warmer and easier to listen to. Give them a try. So many people use them and it's for a good reason!
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It's a trade off..
TonyOsax 05.04.2018
I think the Rovner Dark ligature may appeal more to inexperienced players but less so as you progress with your playing. It does provide support to help give you a fuller, more solid tone, which is helpful when you first start to play. However, as you progress, you start to notice that it muffles the tone of the instrument a little and you eventually get to the point where you don't need support to get a fuller sound and realise that your saxophone sounds better without it.
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Happy purchase Review Rovner Dark 1R
Carrowkeale 03.11.2013
I had originally used the standard ligature (metal) which came with my sax, but the new Rovner along with a new Legere studio reed has stopped many of my squeaks and should help improve my progress on the alto sax. The ligature is a bit tricky to place correctly with the reed and I suspect the material will become more flexible after an initail break in period. I am happy with my purchase.