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Rode NT1-A Recording complete set + nice mic stand
Suren 29.09.2013
Great mic, great complete set + free mic stand.
For its price - that's the best you can buy.
Special thanks Thomann for this great options for Rode.
Although this model is the most inexpensive microphone in the line of studio Rode mics with a big capsules, it sounds very serious. May be it cannot great records super low end bass. Perhaps, Nt1A is not the best microphone for a very low male voices, but works very well with the average male voice. very high frequency sound stringed instruments like the charango, ukulele, etc..
In addition to a set of quality cable company (very comfortable) pop filter, and 10-year warranty. There is a label on the package that says - made in Australia.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Best package for the money on the market.
Joe911 16.05.2013
This is a turnkey system, one which I'm not sure how I managed without.
Frequency response is fabulous, the whole kit is compatible with itself.
One evening when I was setting up recording levels, I wondered what the conversation in the background was, it was some people at a takeaway around a corner from where the recording equipment was installed... that was 40 metres away, through locked doors and windows ! ! !
(I just turned the gain down on the input channels in Cubase to fix it, but what a pleasant surprise).
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Amazing Mic
Alexander R. 514 26.05.2013
I heard from many different people that this mic can compete with some "bigger boys". I agree.
Comparing with my previous mic this one has a great quality construction. The noise levels are really low and the sound quality is really good for me.
I have to say that I am not using it for recording music, I am a voice talent and I use it for voice overs.
My voice is deep and warm, and I was looking for one mic that could show this features. I tried a couple mics (that costs more than the double) and I was not satisfied with the sound, it was too "crispy".
With this micro I sound warm and energetic without using too much post process.
I am completely sure than some people are not buying it because they can afford something more expensive. In this case the good option is cheap as well.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
rode nt1 a
GaryW 11.06.2013
this is an excellent package,and i cannot recommend this item enough....i bought this a while ago for my home studio,and it has delivered perfect results crystal clear vocals,when used with a decent pre amp...not only vocals,but i have also used this to capture my acoustic guitar with excellent results and also as an overhead mic to capture my acoustic drums (as well as the traditional 2 overhead mics) and the results are it now,you wont be disappointed
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