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RockNRoller R6RT (Mini)



  • Weight capacity: 227 kg
  • Length: 71 - 108 cm
  • Width: 32 cm
  • Width including wheels: 46 cm
  • Folded height: 24 cm
  • Extended height: 85 cm
  • Rotatable front wheels: 4 " x 1 "
  • Rear wheels: 8 " x 2 " R-Trac
  • Weight: 10 kg
In catalogo dal Giugno 2007
Numero di articolo 115859
Unità incluse 1 Pezzo
€ 189
Spedizione gratuita, incl. IVA

Questo prodotto è disponibile e può essere spedito immediatamente.

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147 Valutazioni dei clienti

4.7 / 5

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98 Recensioni

Il salvaschiena....!
Anonimo 11.04.2016
Ho acquistato l'R6RT per il trasporto di tutta la mia strumentazione (pianoforte, casse, mixer e borse varie).
Ottimo prodotto, stabile, leggero e poco ingombrante da chiuso, una volta aperto offre una buona capacità di carico e una buona superficie di appoggio.
Penso siano i 99¤ che ho speso meglio negli ultimi anni.....non fosse altro per salvare la schiena provata da anni di carico/scarico!
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Ottimo ma non perfetto
FrankLeBlanch 06.01.2024
Apparentemente fatto bene ha un piccolo errore di Design: I manubri laterali che mantengono stabile il carico sono troppo bassi, è veramente scomodo camminare per lunghi tragitti spingendolo con la schiena piegata, ed io non sono alto. Inventerò una soluzione.
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Attrezzo indispensabile per chi deve muovere cose pesanti
Anonimo 25.02.2016
Da batterista esperto non posso che consigliare a tutti questo carrello. Si apre e chiude facilmente, in macchina non occupa quasi nulla, la comodità per spostare gli strumenti è incredibile in compenso. Eccezionale nel caso si debbano spostare casse pesanti o sub woofer.
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google translate gb
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Very useful
Howard R. 20.05.2013
I did a fair bit of research before buying this particular trolley. There are others out there, but I needed something to take my backline and PA in one go. This does not disappoint. I calculated how much space my gear would occupy when 'stacked' and decided that the R6 would take the lot (other sizes are available). It's taken me some time to get the most from it - I've had to get some ramps made from aluminium tread-plate at a local metal works, but now I'm good to go anywhere. As I can often park quite close to the venue, I find that it doesn't suit every gig, as unfolding and loading the trolley can sometimes take longer than simply loading-in manually. However, it's been an absolute 'must have' in certain circumstances - especially at a couple of recent gigs where the venue was on the first floor. Once loaded, I could simply roll into the service elevator and roll straight out into the venue - no hassle. The trolley itself seems sturdy enough and, whilst it exhibits a certain amount of 'flex' when loaded, it certainly seems strong enough. The wheels are good, but I would recommend going easy on the front ones over bumpy surfaces. It has a useful spring-loaded 'button' which engages into a hole when the trolley is fully extended. This helps prevent you from over-extending which would over-stress the trolley. I wish it also had some additional incremental holes, as I sometimes don't need it to be 'full length', but that's just a 'nice-to-have'. Overall I'm very pleased with my purchase and certainly couldnt find anything this useful at anywhere near the same price. For reference, it takes 2 x10" active PA speakers + mixer (bagged), small bass combo, stool, speaker stands, bass guitar and a large case full of leads.
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