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My drumhead of choice for my 14" tom
Hector M. 16.11.2015
Little can be said about this drum head except that it's great. I use it to play rock, but has worked for me also to play other styles such as pop and metal. It sounds great and it's extremely durable. Highly recommended.
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Remo 14" Powerstroke Tom Head
DerekK 17.02.2014
It can be pricey to change all the heads in one go but it was definitely worth it with these Remo Powerstroke heads. Using 10, 13 and 14" rack toms and these heads give each drum a clear tone and have held their tuning very well since changing.
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Has to be Remo
Anonimo 22.01.2015
Drummer swears by Remo and we go to Thomann for bulk ordering our spares as they are far more competitive than UK stores. Crazy really.
Great skins - good service. Easy choice to make
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klak 15.05.2016
Très bonne peau de Tom! J'ai directe changer mes peaux de batterie avec ces peaux remo powerstroke et le résultat et magnifique: permet une bonne sensation quand on jou. Je la conseille fortement!