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Ottimo rapporto qualita'/prezzo per uno strumento semi professionale.Peccato per il coverplate,annerito dopo solo una settimana,a causa di una nichelatura scadente.Riscontrate imprecisioni sul ponticello,che tuttavia ho provveduto a ripristinare al meglio con un po' di lavoro.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Not a budget option
BencC 05.04.2020
I started off a few years ago with a gretsch bobtail and quite liked it esp-ecially with the pickup and aura pedal. Found the bass strings a bit 'flabby.' Found a good deal on a National Scheerhorn Mahogany which of course was a beautifully built 'dobro' and put the bobtail in the shade. Thing is I never quite bonded with it so ended up selling it. So I saw these and thought I'd have a look and quite honestly it is my favourite of the 3 I've played. The action is tight and the instrument has volume and power but also the sweetness you need in the dobro. Really very happy with it and wouldn't be surprised to see the price go up at some point when RK realise how good this is. I will get a nashville pickup added I expect but not sure I'll swap out the parts for Beard ones as I was intending before I played it. It really is that good.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Great value
Erstokke 28.03.2021
I have played guitar for many years, but never played a resonator guitar before. This is a perfect beginners instrument. It sounds great with no buzzes. The top is laminated wood, as on most inexpensive dobros. That doesn’t really matter much on this kind of instrument, because most of the sound comes from the cone. Get one and start playing!