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Ottieni 90 giorni gratuiti di Guitareo con il tuo acquisto da Thomann!
Porta le tue lezioni di chitarra al livello successivo con l’offerta esclusiva di Thomann e Guitareo! Se acquisti questa chitarra tra il 3 dicembre 2024 e il 28 febbraio 2025 riceverai in aggiunta 90 giorni di accesso gratuito a Guitareo
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Expert Lessons: Impara dai più grandi chitarristi del mondo con istruzioni video passo a passo, esercizi, sfide e corsi.
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Thousands of Guitareless Tracks: Accompagna le tue canzoni preferite, modifica il tempo e ripeti in loop le parti più difficili.
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Chitarra rifinita, curata, ben suonante e performante.
La cura dei dettagli, l'hardware e i legni usati creano una piacevole combinazione che mi ha fatto amare questo strumento che pur essendo di produzione non americana non ha nulla da invidiare ad altri strumenti della stessa fascia di prezzo, anzi li supera.
Segnala un abuso
Segnala un abuso
Miglior acquisto rapporto qualità prezzo.
Jeanburlon 16.12.2019
Questa PRS SE Santana è veramente ben costruita e curata nei particolari, con un suono chiaro e preciso. Forse con nulla da invidiare a chitarre molto più costose. A questo prezzo penso sia difficile trovare di meglio. Consigliata anche a chi non ama Santana...
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
She got the looks but not just
TBezz 19.10.2020
Waited almost a year to write a review since I wanted to make sure I can compare this guitar with others and give a more objective review. I had numerous people playing it and be blown away by their reaction. Guitarist who play thousands of euro of guitars simply fell in love with it.
Starting from Esthetics the guitar is very well put together. great finish and choice of veneer and craftsmanship is impeccable. Great fret work throughout. Played around with the action a bit and also had to adjust the truss rod after a few months but this is something I got used to with all my other guitars.
Electronics are quite good some reviews say that pickups are not top end or expensive ones but in my opinion they offer a good balance and managed to create a variety of sounds combined with effects pedals and amp models.
It took me sometime to adjust the posture when playing sitting down as opposed to the Stratocaster shape since the wider bottom places the guitar slightly backwards than start shapes. But this helps for a longer fret board.
I play it and the first adjectives which come to mind are sweet and delicate. Perhaps this is subjective but it is definitely a guitar which is worth having. PRS pride themselves to make guitars for everyone and the SE editions are not to be look down at or avoided. They create great guitars not juts for beginners.
Would I recommend buying , definitely. After the first nice surprise which meets the eyes, play it and you will be further pleased
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Most Probably best SE model
Xxlguru 30.10.2018
Is it good? Definitely yes.
Does it sound good? Definitely yes. Maybe best SE Pickups I have heard. Plus even unplugged it sounds good. Resonant and nice sustain especially for the guitar with a tremolo.
Electronic is standard PRS SE. More expensive big Alpha pots with no name toggle switch and jack. So They haven't completely chap out and went mini pots.
Neck pickup is vintage output and sounds good. Clear sounding. Very usable. (7.5 K)
Bridge pickup is pretty hot (12,3 K). It it clear enough. Normally if some Eastern Company makes hot humbucker they kill high end and harmonics. This one is very pleasant surprise. When I say hot I mean Hard Rock hot not Gent hot. Hot that clean on the neck pickup and switching to bridge will start braking up on AC30.
Quite usable pickups. At level of some models of USA aftermarket companies. Still high end pickups will sound better as well as USA made electronics.
Neck is one peace mahogany with Indian Rosewood fretboard (cut before ban and cites proof). This should make it perfect.
Back is mahogany and doesn't look like ti is made of to many peaces.
Top is maple cap with fancy flamed layer on it.
Tuners are smooth and accurate.
Tremolo is vintage alike and pretty stable.
Now what is negative about it? Mine is nothing like on the product picture. Well grain ain't that straight. Body has a knot on the edge. Guitar made in USA would never have things like that. Actually with my luck I am kind of disappointed for such things for that money and from the WMI factory. Now that said guitar has sustain and it sounds very good. But it does not look like 868 Euro guitar and not like my other two PRS SE guitars made in WMI.
So features good. Simple electronics but one peace neck and other things mes it good.