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E' all'apparenza molto robusto e anche isolato abbastanza bene, visto che l'ho utilizzato in un passacavo accanto ad un cavo di corrente e non mi ha dato il minimo problema di ronzio o altro. Ottimo!
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
No brainer
maajstor 25.09.2014
Sturdyness, durability, reliability - if that's what you expect with your digital connection, then you must have this cable.
I use it to connect Behringer X32 with S16 digital snake. It's a must to have your cable connectors enclosed to XLR-M-style housing like this, because you don't want someone to trip over your cable and ruin everything you do behind the mixer.
The cable is also wrapped/insulated in material that doesn't allow it to bend or tangle easily, and this also makes it feel less prone to damage if someone steps on it.
Yes, it's more expensive than a regular CAT5 cable, but nothing else brings peace of mind with digital connections like these. I also have one extra, you must be prepared.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Does the job
Tim104 30.06.2014
Perfectly serviceable cable. No issues.
Remains to be seen how it deals with repeated plugging / unplugging.
On the upside, this is nbot moulded, so if it does die it would be cheap and easy to determinate.
I would suggest that, since Cat5 connectors are not meant for repeated use, fitting a short 'tail' with a plug to socket on your equipment is a good idea - so when the socket breaks you don't need to open the mixer..