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Daddario GH Humidifying System


Guitar Humidifiers

  • Especially for acoustic guitars and steel-string guitars
  • Prevents cracking in the body and warped neck
  • Easy to remove
  • The humidifier is simply inserted into the sound hole of the guitar without additional holders or clips
  • Releases moisture to the instrument slowly and evenly
  • To refill, lid must be opened with 2 hooks (press down below the cover and the cover is already removed - quite simply)
In catalogo dal Novembre 1999
Numero di articolo 140164
Unità incluse 1 Pezzo
€ 8,90
IVA inclusa,€ 5,90 di costi di spedizione aggiuntivi

Questo prodotto è disponibile e può essere spedito immediatamente.

Informazioni sulla spedizione

479 Valutazioni dei clienti

4.4 / 5

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246 Recensioni

Giovanni Bruno 11.05.2018
Semplice ed efficace. Per rimuovere il tappo occorre premere con pollice e indice sotto il tappo, senza toccare i fermi posti sulla sommità dell'apparecchio. La spugnetta interna va strizzata a fondo prima di essere inserita nel contenitore forato, che va poi richiuso e collocato, a sua volta, al centro della buca della chitarra tra la terza e la quarta corda (sol e re). In una città piuttosto umida come Roma (a meno che non si deumidifichi artificialmente l'aria dell'appartamento) non è indispensabile.
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google translate gb
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Can only hold vary little water
Robert269 19.08.2020
The poor rating is based on what I think of the product in it's original form and not my intended use, for which I think it's great.

I've had one of these since many years and ordered one more since I have one more guitar now.
The general idea behind the product is good, even though it's not revolutionary. The main issue with the product (and others like it) is that the sponge can hold very little water.
Depending on circumstances you will have to wet the sponge at least once or twice a week, IME.

If you intend to use the sponge bundled I'd suggest you at least get the "pro" version instead, that can hold more water, or even look at another product.
However, I didn't intend to use the sponge and use it with orbeez/water pearls instead (it's quite an easy mod), so I bought the cheaper alternative.

So, the plastic "case" is, IMO, useful, since it is easy to modify for use with orbeez and it can sit in the sound hole while the guitar is in the case, so you don't have to mount it to the case itself or worry it might scratch your guitar.
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Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Sponge in a black plastic container
Sourceror 01.04.2014
Basicly it is a sponge a black plastic container.....sometimes simple things just work....

Soak the sponge in water....
Rinse it out so that it does not dripple any water....
Put the sponge back in the black plastic containers....
Put the lid on it
Dry the container in case it got wet in the process.
Put the container in the body of the guitar the top resting on the 2 of the middle strings holding it in place.
Recheck the sponge to see if it gets a little dry.....if so repeat the process...

Works best when the guitar is in its case....
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google translate gb
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Gör det den ska!
agentoffortune 03.01.2022
Första säsongen jag använder denna humidifier men funkar finfint än så länge. Förhoppningen är att slippa sprickor i gitarrkroppen och det måste vara värt pengarna.
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