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This is the mother of all tuners
GeneM 20.01.2022
Arguably the best accuracy of any tuner available, the Peterson StroboPlus HDC is the gold standard for tuners. Too many features to list here, I'd suggest you search online if you want a comprehensive list or review. Amazing build quality, packaging, and versatility. The only comment I could make is there is no easy way to view the offset of the played note in Cents, although a future firmware upgrade could resolve that.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Action packed tuner and metronome
Andrew! 05.02.2022
I was looking for a high quality tuner to go on my desk or in my rack in the studio, so I don't ever have to find a tuner or use a plugin. This fits the bill perfectly; and I've since found that the metronome is very powerful too, at the moment it loves downstairs where I practice my instruments, and once my studio is renovated I might consider getting another one so that I have one handy. I prefer it to using an app on the phone; it's always ready, and the battery lasts quite a long time (charged by USB). You can get smaller tuners/metronomes, or pedal format ones, but if size or floor use is not a consideration and you're after the best quality and features, then this is probably the one to get.