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Not a stand alone tuition book but some pleasing raga's
Simplycool 29.10.2021
Having no access to a tutor, I purchased this along with a similar product. It would prove difficult for a complete beginner to grasp the rudiments of both playing technique and the nuances of the music, from this book alone. Much of the introductory content is too long winded and the book is littered with errors which can be confusing. There can be no substitute for personal tuition. However, some of the raga's are pleasing. It's a pity though that there isn't enough explanation of how they should be played. There are inconsistencies in the manner in which the various raga's are written and (for example), no explanation of where the tora's are played. My other issue is the use of Western notation. Far better to learn Indian music notation from the outset.
It is a useful book though but one needs to be wary of errors