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An absolute piece of trash, and I love it
thelaird 06.04.2021
From the second I unboxed this absolute atrocity of engineering, I fell in love with the cacophony of sounds it produces. After wiping the tears of laughter away, I videocalled multiple friends, most of whom are musicians ranging from classical violinists to metal guitarists. Every single one of them fell in love with this horrible thing. It has made me and many others laugh incontrollably on many occassions and is a wonderful piece for on the coffeetable, waiting for people to ask "yo, what on earth is that??". I can absolutely recommend an Otomatone to absolutely anyone.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Not great
DarylS 10.01.2019
I wasn't expecting much. I got it more for the novelty.
Pros: it does its job of standing out as a novelty instrument. Just something you'd show your friends as a joke.
Sound wise it's perfectly just as annoying as youd think it is. Great for bugging your friends and family lll
Cons: it's hard to play meaning you really have to dig your fingers into the neck to get a sound
Its much smaller than expected. (I didn't read the dimensions first)
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Really interesting way of making music
Tzvetan 02.08.2022
I bought the otamatone for my daughter (10yo) and she really liked it. The instrument is an idea difficult for her to play and reproduce the songs she wants, but still a lot of fun. For me the idea that she develops a good understanding of higher/lower notes and searches the proper way to reproduce the song she likes with the otamatone is enough. Also like the idea of that natural (wah) filter effect done totally with no electronics involved. Fun and interesting instrument to have in your arsenal. Also very cheap:)