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Amazing mic
StergiosCozy 04.03.2020
I got it for quite some time now and i am writing my review now because i wanted to test it before i write anything.
At first look you can tell how pro the mic is. It is heavy (I have 2 more condenser mics, much cheaper than this) and there is no comparison. The tlm 103 is at least 2 times the weight of the others despite it is smaller in size.
I connect it to a class A preamp and it shines in recordings. Allready used it in vocals (both male and female) and acoustic guitars and the sources i got were phenomenal. It has a small boost from 5k hz+ but the eq with it was really easy (on male vocals i didnt even eq it cause i enjoyed that airy feeling it caught).
Picks up very low background noise behind it which was essential for me since i dont have a seperate room to turn into a booth.
To sum it all this is a highly recommended microphone. This will improve your sound sources by far compared to a cheap condenser mic.
P.S. It comes in a great wooden box to keep it safe and it looks amazing in my mic locker.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Best choice..
Oskay Nejat 27.07.2021
For my voice, Manley Reference cardioid was too bright. I had a lot problems with the ess sounds. With rode nt1, I was sounding fuller and warmer but there was a problem with shh and needed more clarity. So I added eq +2db treb on nt1 and -2db treb on Manley. But this mic is in the middle of them. So I think this is the best choice for me.
Thanks to Thomann for being so fast. They are working really well and helpful. İ asked something and they turned me back in a minute and shipping was fast too..