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High quality for great price
Anonimo 08.07.2016
I bought several of these for djembe lessons and playing in a djembe circle. High quality, good looks, nice and groovy sound. But I'd prefer Thomann NN32 Djembe to this one due to even more rich sound and more variable loudness for play.
I've had couple of these instruments for around 3 years for use with my students and this djembe is a true survivor, not a scratch! I only had to re-tune them couple of times which is natural and easily doable.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Great drum for the money - improves with age.
Arthur Stone 15.04.2014
After a year of use I've really come to appreciate this djembe; great sound and great value for money. It's well-constructed from solid wood with a decent head and good ropework. The sound (and/or my playing) has improved over the year; I use the djembe for home studio recording (double-mic'd) and people in pro studios often comment on the solidity and tone on the's also great fun to jam with...inspiring. I'm not a real expert with drums but I've been very happy with this one and recommend it.
I rated 4 for sound and quality as I'm sure there are better drums at higher prices but the Schalloch gets top overall marks for it's value in context.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Djembe worth having
Anonimo 27.12.2015
We looked and looked for the best djembe to buy. Debating over quality and price we decided on the schalloch 700 12". It's in constant use whether the professional drummer or our 2 year son.
The design and colour really caught our eyes and it looks exactly like the pictures. The sound is superb - Even if played with a good few instruments. Crisp to bass sound! This djembe is my favourite so far (we've had a few pass by). Highly recommend!!
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