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LP Purple Block Guiro
Tyron 28.10.2019
As for as the block sound goes, LP have got it right again....
i gave it 4 star on sound, as a bit more thought or engineering could have been put into the guiro....i think the scales are too far arpart and very deep....
maybe i am being a bit unfair as i pwould have like more scales closer together and more "shallow".
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
An excellent product
Anonimo 30.07.2016
This is LP's best Jam Block. It has a nice jam block sound, and it also functions as a Guiro (scraper). You can use a timbale stick, or a drum stick, as scraper.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Great sound, adequate guiro
Lildrumr 29.01.2025
As with LP products in general and the other Jam Blocks, this is a great product, sounds good and loud enough, virtually indestructable and blends well with the other Jam Blocks.
However, the guiro function, allthough not completely wasted, is more of a novelty. The area to strike is too short and does not sound guiro-esque enough to replace a real guiro. But it's a great added bonus.