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Relaxing Lip Tonic - You should try
Cris Christopher 23.06.2020
Use - With curiosity, I bought this from Thomann and I received on time as promised. I didn't play trumpet for more than 5 years, my lips get easily tired after 20-30 minutes practice, so I tried the magic of this Lip tonic. It was a good feeling, very relaxing on the lips. After I applied the lip tonic, I couldn't play well because It was slippery for my mouthpiece.
Pros - cheap and helpful for the lips
COns - None
You could try and experience the feeling. I would say for the price, it is fine.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
It broke out...
nasilemak terbaik 09.04.2019
I love its minty feeling when applied onto my lips, it does relax my lips effectively. It can feel much stronger and more effective than the "ChopSavers".
But the stick broke apart easily... I have to put it back and carefully apply every since after that.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Ordered it again...and again :)
Marius Ursu 04.03.2019
You can't get any better lipstick for your tired and injured lips than LaTromba. This was the only remedy for me that really helped to regain my dry and tired lips anytime of the year.