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Per l'utilizzo senza fili di tutte le funzioni dell'applicazione remota per GrandMeister
Il WMI-1 crea una propria rete
Da collegare tra GrandMeister e FSM-432 MK III
Seleziona la WMI-1 come rete nelle impostazioni WLAN dell'iPad o accedi alla rete domestica tramite WPS
Funziona con qualsiasi amplificatore Hughes & Kettner dotato di un ingresso MIDI a 7 poli (con alimentazione Phantom) e con qualsiasi app per iPad che supporti CoreMIDI
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Accessorio fantastico, indispensabile. Permette di sfruttare al massimo la parte digitale dell’ampli senza perdere la pedaliera, bidirezionale, perfetto.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Essential if you want to use the app
Vinicius Marcilio 07.01.2021
This will be necessary if you want to connect your GrandMeister to the ipad app. Just be careful when upgrading IOS on your device, check if anyone has reported any issues before going forward with it. I bought this device when IOS 14 came out and it took almost 3 months for apple and H&K to fix the issues. Other than that, it works great! You can control pretty much every aspect of the amp with the app.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Gilm 04.08.2019
Bought the H&K Grandmeister 40 and thought this would be a great addition but I‘m not totally sold on it any longer due to the reliability of the unit. While it worked fine at first for practice sessions, the WIFI dropped off during a gig and I ended up having to re-boot the unit twice to get it back on line. After searching the numerous forums on the internet, it has become apparent that mine was not an isolated incident. I contacted H&K for some advice or fix but there was none to be had. The support on this product was poor to none with H&K writing that they have had the same problems at conventions where there were numerous cell phones in the vicinity. Well, if you are aware of the problem then fix it before you market it! Their advice was to purchase an external WiFi unit to create a self sustaining network. Really?!!
I also bought this product since since it would be a good addition to the GM 40 and would negate the use of a pedalboard but since the product is unreliable I‘ll have to revert to old school methods.
With all due respect to H&K that makes great amps, the support on this end seems to be extremely lacking and I would seriously think twice about purchasing another product.
Pros: A nice thought to connect your iPad to the effects section of the GrandMeister 36 or 40
Cons: Highly unreliable and looses connection without warning.