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Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Never had it so good.
BigJ 19.11.2020
Can't fault the sound; there is a danger of chasing certain frequencies by increasing volume; which can be extreme. Comfort is generally good, but long stretches can cause pressure points of discomfort; need to move position from time to time.. But it's worth it I've never had it so good; tweak your system and it gives no end of thrills and insight I was concerned by reports of them not doing rock music well but I have no regrets; the presentation is different to what I was used to i.e. Grado and Hifiman but I prefer these and am not letting them go soon. If they broke or became damaged I'd simply replace them without being tempted away.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Amazing tone
Ben H 06.11.2021
Fantastic headphones. The treble is detailed yet not fatiguing, and they deliver an experience between planar and dynamics imo. Highly recommended - there’s nothing I’ve come across at this price point that competes. While very comfortable, they are heavy cans, so those who need a set for extended use may need to see how they go with the weight. For me, it’s a minor trade off for the sound.
Segnala un abuso
Segnala un abuso
Mikhail K 07.12.2020
В сети уже есть множество обзоров и отзывов, потому повторяться не буду. Качество звучания, тембры, баланс и детальность на высоте!
Но я всё же настоятельно рекомендую померить данные наушники перед покупкой. Причём желательно посидеть в них подольше! Примерно через час-полтора начинаешь ощущать дискомфорт.
Но я редко слушаю музыку в науниках дольше часа потому общую оченку оставляю 5.
По поводу качетва - не достаточно плотно сидят коннекторы mini XLR в разъёмах.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Great headphone
Chiren 23.07.2022
I don't write reviews very often, but this headphone deserves one. The Heddphone sounds amazing. Now I can hear every detail in a mix. A 3D soundscape. Great transients. Great definition, even on the bass frequenties. I make EDM/Trance and I was a little worried the sub and bass frequencies were a little bit thin. I read that after I placed the order. But I disagree. It really helps me to get a perfect bass. I can highly recommend this Heddphone!!