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Ottieni 90 giorni gratuiti di Guitareo con il tuo acquisto da Thomann!
Porta le tue lezioni di chitarra al livello successivo con l’offerta esclusiva di Thomann e Guitareo! Se acquisti questa chitarra tra il 3 dicembre 2024 e il 28 febbraio 2025 riceverai in aggiunta 90 giorni di accesso gratuito a Guitareo
Inclusi nei 90 giorni gratuiti:
Expert Lessons: Impara dai più grandi chitarristi del mondo con istruzioni video passo a passo, esercizi, sfide e corsi.
Practice Tools: Accedi a una varietà di strumenti sviluppati per aiutarti a fare pratica in modo più intelligente, non più difficile.
Thousands of Guitareless Tracks: Accompagna le tue canzoni preferite, modifica il tempo e ripeti in loop le parti più difficili.
Community Support: Unisciti a una community di chitarristi appassionati che condividono il tuo amore per la musica.
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Arrivata in condizioni perfette . Scordata leggermente, perfetta in ogni dettaglio . Il suono con gli opus one è ecezzionale . La consiglio a tutti per gli amanti di questo tipo di chitarra
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
A bit rough but sounds great
DrGisby 23.07.2021
The pickups in this sound great and they were the 1 thing I thought I might change but I don't need to. Overall the guitar looks great, however.....
The tone pots have been wired left handed with left handed knobs but they are logarithmic potentiometers meaning that wired backwards they are now reverse log and the tone is more like an on/off switch around 1. The bridge radius doesn't quite match the fretboard radius so the action of the D and A string are too low when the rest are set correctly. The low E saddle screw head was completely stripped making it impossible to adjust. The bridge pickup ring contour doesn't match the archtop contour leaving a gap. The frets were very scratchy and needed polishing and the fretboard itself is very rough to the extent that the pearloid inlays look like matte white plastic.
I will be able to make this play and feel brilliant but it's going to take more work than I expected
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Top quality for this price tag
ardapektas 02.08.2021
So i played for 6 hours when i put my hands on this guitar and it feels and sounds amazing i wasn't expecting this kind of quality with these pickups and it suprised me i actually like this guitar better then my old epiphone les paul what can i say it has its problems i don't think the knobs on this guitar is good quality because they don't actually fit on the guitar like its supposed to fit it has a little blank between the guitar and the knobs but it's not that big of a problem you cant see it properly if you dont look for it and this thing has a killer look and i love love and love the fretboard its so fun to play with and jam all day long It's not very bad at staying in tune but it's not very good either it does what it supposed to do and a little bit less if you are looking for a nice single cut guitar this is the one you need trust me .
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Truly, blown away.
Gimmegum 14.07.2021
My guitar arrived in PERFECT SHAPE. It’s gorgeous. The SOUND, the woods and construction, the neck and its stainless steel frets, the finish and setup…. Man…. I spent 4 hours playing, on its first day. Wow. My 4th Harley Benton. They keep getting better.