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Fa il suo, ma non aspettatevi un completo isolamento delle frequenze basse
angelo85 03.05.2020
Paragonato alla cassetta della frutta che usavo precedentemente, questo sembra meno efficace, ma comunque aiuta notevolmente ad "asciugare" le frequenze basse. Per quanto costa va più che bene
Segnala un abuso
Segnala un abuso
Non noto estremi miglioramenti ma forse serve
MR96 13.11.2022
Il pavimento e le pareti continuano a vibrare, sicuramente meglio averlo che non averlo, per una recensione più accurata dovrei chiedere all'inquilino del piano di sotto.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Great Buy, Very Cheap, Really does the Job!
BLMP 20.05.2020
I use this in my studio for recording, I have my ac 30 set on top of it.
The greatest advantage I have seen (felt actually) is that it got rid of the lower rumble that would spread across the floor when I crank the amp in the room. This makes up for 2 pros actually: less noise going through to the floor/walls and a clearer mic signal with less rumble when I put a condenser like the AKG414 to the speaker. I imagine someone in a home studio would get even more benefits from this.
The only downside for me (and this might be petty but I have nothing else to point out) is that it would be great if, in the future, they came in specific size for certain amps/cabs, or maybe rounded corners ('cos i've hit my shin against it a few times and it really hurts).
Overall I give it a five star review. For this price point It works extremely well and it definitely improves my recording situation and I will definitely be getting a few more of these in future for other amps.