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Graph Tech Acoustic Guitar Saddle Flat


Saddle for Acoustic Guitar

  • Made of TUSQ
  • Compensated
  • Flat bottom
  • Consistent material properties and quality
  • Increased harmonic capability
  • Dimensions (L x W x H): 71.89 x 3.01 x 8.61 mm (2 13/16" x 1/8" x 5/16")
  • Colour: Ivory
  • Package quantity: 1 Pieces

Note: All Graph Tech saddles and saddle pads are slightly longer and wider to ensure a perfect fit on the instrument. Excess material can easily be removed with fine sandpaper.

In catalogo dal Dicembre 2018
Numero di articolo 453953
Unità incluse 1 Pezzo
Width in mm 72 mm
Unmachined No
Instrument Acoustic Guitar
€ 14,90
IVA inclusa,€ 5,90 di costi di spedizione aggiuntivi

Questo prodotto è disponibile e può essere spedito immediatamente.

Informazioni sulla spedizione

70 Valutazioni dei clienti

4.7 / 5

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39 Recensioni

E' fatta di materiale molto duro
Taylorman 24.10.2019
Non l'ho ancora montata
Ho solo tracciato dei piccoli solchi per le corde ed ho potuto constatare che il materiale è molto duro, il che significa buona capacità di trasmissione del suono.
sono certo che farà bene il suo lavoro
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Tib80 18.06.2022
Facilissimo da installare e da modellare!

La chitarra risulta estremamente più morbida, il suono è più ricco di armoniche e sustain.

Provare per credere!
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google translate gb
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
must have for cristal clear sound
EMRT 08.10.2020
great product. Easy to sand as well.
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google translate gb
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Worth of your effort
Mehto 20.05.2020
Always hated my old cheap acoustic that felt somehow bulky with strings sticking way out of the fret board. I have never being a guitar gearhead before exactly. So I just concentrated on whining about the cheap crappy guitar that I bought way back when I didn't know better. Well, that all changed after I made some effort to learn about how to maintain your instruments yourself. Youtube is full of videos and some of them are believe it or not really good. So after some studies I decided to throw this little thing into my order as well when I needed to make one anyway.

After put this on to my old acoustic and it's as if had a new guitar. I had to refine the saddle so that it fitted in and to lower the strings little bit. Intonation turned out to be spot on.

If you are stuck with an instrument you resent you should absolutely put some time and effort for trying what's wrong and see what can be done to fix it. It took all in all about 4 hours for me to learn and craft the tweaks and i end up having great instrument
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