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Best virtual drum I've ever heard
shootnix 21.02.2018
First of all, it sound's great!
I think this is the most flexible and reliable virtual drum workstation I've ever used.
It has it's own mixer so you can mix your drum right inside of the window of plugin with all built-in fx. Or you can export all drum tracks as wav, separately, every track by itself and use your DAW to mix it, such as real drums.
BFD3 has also standalone mode, I use it a lot when I practice my guitar.
Conclusion: even it's one of the expensive software on the market, it still one of the best solution and it's definitely worth the money!
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Extrem komplizierte Installation
Jaymie 06.12.2021
Es ist extrem undurchsichtig, wie die Installation funktioniert, wenn's einmal läuft ist das Programm unschlagbar was Sound, Vielfalt der Patterns und Bedienmöglichkeiten angeht. Das beste Schlagzeugprogramm.