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Squier CV 70s Jaguar LRL SFG

Ottieni 90 giorni gratuiti di Guitareo con il tuo acquisto da Thomann!

Ottieni 90 giorni gratuiti di Guitareo con il tuo acquisto da Thomann!

Porta le tue lezioni di chitarra al livello successivo con l’offerta esclusiva di Thomann e Guitareo! Se acquisti questa chitarra tra il 3 dicembre 2024 e il 28 febbraio 2025 riceverai in aggiunta 90 giorni di accesso gratuito a Guitareo

Inclusi nei 90 giorni gratuiti:

  • Expert Lessons: Impara dai più grandi chitarristi del mondo con istruzioni video passo a passo, esercizi, sfide e corsi.
  • Practice Tools: Accedi a una varietà di strumenti sviluppati per aiutarti a fare pratica in modo più intelligente, non più difficile.
  • Thousands of Guitareless Tracks: Accompagna le tue canzoni preferite, modifica il tempo e ripeti in loop le parti più difficili.
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Chitarra elettrica

  • Serie Classic Vibe
  • Corpo: pioppo
  • Manico avvitato: acero
  • Tastiera: alloro indiano
  • Inlays a blocchi perlati
  • Profilo del manico: C
  • Lunghezza della scala: 610 mm (24")
  • Larghezza del capotasto: 41,9 mm (1,65")
  • Raggio della tastiera: 241 mm (9,5")
  • 22 tasti alti stretti
  • Capotasto: osso
  • Pick-up: 2 Fender Designed AlNiCo single coil
  • Circuit selector switch
  • Design a doppio circuito per chitarra Lead/Rhythm con volume e tono per ciascun circuito
  • Interruttore on/off per i pick-up
  • Interruttore Tone Circuit
  • Selettore a 3 vie
  • Battipenna a 4 strati: effetto tartaruga
  • Ponte Floating con Dynamic Vibrato Tailpiece Tremolo
  • Hardware: nichel
  • Meccaniche in stile Vintage
  • Incordatura originale: NPS .009-.042
  • Colore: Surf Green
In catalogo dal Aprile 2019
Numero di articolo 457301
Unità incluse 1 Pezzo
Colour Green
Soundboard Poplar
Neck Maple
Fretboard Indian Laurel
Frets 22
Scale 610 mm
Pickup System SS
Tremolo Yes
Incl. Case No
Incl. Gigbag No
Design Jaguar
Top None
Mostra altro
€ 398
Spedizione gratuita, incl. IVA

Questo prodotto è disponibile e può essere spedito immediatamente.

Informazioni sulla spedizione

46 Valutazioni dei clienti

4.2 / 5

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39 Recensioni

La si deve amare
teo mat 06.03.2022
Mi è sempre piaciuta la Jaguar sia per il sound ma soprattutto per il look.
Mi è arrivata con l' action alta e ho dovuto aumentare l'inclinazione del manico dato che il ponte era già appoggiato al body.
All'inizio la scala ancora più corta delle Les Paul può sembrare difficile anche per chi come me ha le dita grosse ma poi ci si abitua e si apprezza la velocità nella tastiera.
Il sound dei pickup è Jaguar non perfetto ma buono
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semplicemente splendida!
marc67 06.10.2021
Premessa: le ho cambiato il battipenna con uno mint green e ho cambiato i pickup di serie con dei fender pure vintage '65;
risultato: una GODURIA!!

Mi piacciono comunque i pickup originali, ma con queste due piccole modifiche il miglioramento,sia estetico che sonoro, è indiscutibile!

Ne vale la pena perchè materiali e costruzione sono di qualità, bisogna solo (!) lavorare sul ponte ed inserire uno spessorino nella tasca del manico per inclinare un pò la tastiera ed evitare così che le corde "scivolino" fuori dalla loro sede (vedi foto, il mi basso..)

Ma questi sono problemi ben noti dello strumento, fin dal 1962..
su youtube vi sono vari video che possono aiutare a risolverli.
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google translate gb
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Johnny June 23.10.2021
The only place I order music equipment from is Thomann! The guitar arrived within a week of the initial order. The box was not destroyed and everything came in perfect condition.
As for the guitar, I did a little setup, resolved the intonation, put in new strings, lubricated the tremolo handle with grease and that’s it. I subsequently put on a Mint green pickguard and white caps for the potentiometers. By the way I play indie pop, bedroom pop, surf, indie rock, fuzz rock etc. and what I can say is that the guitar is as made for that kind of music. A recommendation to anyone in doubt. Buy this guitar, you won't regret it!
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google translate gb
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Buy it as an investment to play like 1000 bucks
manofstrat 29.06.2021
I've been wanting a short scale offset guitar for a long time. Was just curious in short scale and vintage tremolo with floating TOM style bridge. Well, in terms of those, I am blown away! As I mid size human, I am loving a guitar like a strat but with a shorter neck and a brilliant weird tremolo.

It has an amazing color! My first order came in wrong color (sonic blue, i think) and I sent it back to get the surf green - just so beautiful with tortoise PG and the dark wood fretboard with block inlays and cream binding! As a piece of art, it is just lovely to look at.
Finish work is very good! Color is consistent everywhere on the body. Not very thick but not very thin either - I saw worse on american Fenders. I didn't notice any issue with the finish on the body or the neck. No scratches, dents, orange peel etc. Also very well polished! The tinted yellow color on the neck is almost matching my american 54 strat and 62 japan tele, both Fender - just a little darker. Awesome job!
Fretboard is extremely dry. I oiled it with Dr. Duck's AxWax 3 times in the last 3 months. Now it looks beautiful and the feel is also like a high quality fingerboard wood. Fret edges are clean thanks to binding I think. However, they are not polished at all and you can literally hear the friction between the fretwire and the strings. After polishing them and crowning, they are as good as any stardard fender fretwire - just okay.
The tuners are as good as any standard vintage tuners from Fender I think. They are holding the strings in tune very well - (1) after the nut is filed and polished well.
PUs sounds amazing. They are powerful/hot enough for amazing crunch, fuzz or distortion tones but crispy clean or slightly overdriven tones as well. I opened the hole body and all potentiometers are Japan (might be Korean as well :/) made Alpha which is one of the best alternatives to Bourns or CTS. No noise or whatsoever on the pots, action and built quality is solid. However, the solder joints on the switches were cold and the neck pickup's hot wire's solder joint was broken. I needed to redo the solder work on those joints.

Mustang style bridge saddles are amazing! (2) after achieving some angle on the neck pocket with a shim*. *When I disassembled the neck, I realized there's already a shim, but a very bad one (a piece of sand paper). So, I made my own shims from maple veneers and increased the neck joint angle like an archtop body guitar (well, not that much of course). Then raised the bridge to have enough string tension on the saddles. A lot of people complains about the moving saddles. The trick is the neck angle and enough height on the floating bridge. :)

The original tremolo is a decent one, but built quality is not that good. One needs to open it up, sand and round the edges on the moving/touching parts of the mechanism. (3) I upgraded the tremolo with an American vintage one from Thomann. Plus, it has a locking button to avoid back action.

After doing the modes (as listed above), spending extra 100-150 euros for the tremolo and the arm, you can make this guitar sound as good as an american model, even better if you use/make full-pocket shims as I did. Offset guitars are not easy to set correctly, keep in tune, etc. However, when the neck angle and bridge height is right, you have an instrument you can't get enough of on your hands. It plays and looks like an american vintage jag. If you know your ways around shimming the neck, fret polishing, sanding, etc. Like tinkering, working hand tools... This is one of the best offset guitars you can get for this price, I am sure of it.

However, if you just want a guitar that you can order, pick and play, this might not be the right one for you.
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