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Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Lovely picks!
Deebe 22.01.2023
I’m a small handed female so struggle with the traditional sized picks. However these feel like a lovely size. I also found with other brands that the heavy picks where very ridged where as I like a bit of flexibility like these provide. They do last quiet well despite being fairly thin compared to some heavy picks. They glide beautifully over the strings and there’s enough grip in the texture so that you don’t drop them constantly .
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
good picks
Lupo L 18.01.2023
Planned to use these to try and get familiar with their shape and see if it would add something to my playing. After having used them for a while, I can only recommend these. They are durable and allow for great and speedy playing
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Mon nouveau plectre numéro un !
Clint Watters 05.01.2022
J'ai toujours utilisé pleins de plectres différents, Un jour c'était un medium, un jour c'était une pièce d'argent trouvée par terre dans la rue.
Jusqu'au jour ou j'en ai eu marre. J'ai commandé un pack de ces beautés et puis j'en ai encore recommandé tellement que je les ai aimés.
Comparé aux mediators triangulaires ces derniers prennent un peu moins de place dans vos doigts. C'est surtout plus sympa si vous devez passer du finger picking au plectre en 2 secondes sans tout faire foirer.
Niveau conception ils sont bien coupés. J'arrive à obtenir des harmoniques facilement en pivotant légèrement l'angle du plectre sur la corde.