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Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Manu_C 19.12.2021
First of all I want to say that Thomann's service and patience with me in choosing the guitar were fantastic.
This guitar's sound is incredible. I can even get the humbucker powerful thick tone by using the S1 switch. If my fingers didn't start hurting after a while I could keep on playing 24/7 so much I enjoy this guitar.
The neck is dead easy to play. Easy to squeeze chords on the lower frets and easy to play fast solos in the upper register. THere are plenty of videos on youtube about it, all the good things which are said are true.
My last 2 cent: there are a few various minor quality workmanship flaws which I found surprising at this price point but after examining 4 different units of this guitar I came to understand that they are normal factory variations. Don't go too crazy about it, the guitar is absolutely amazing.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
gerver 20.09.2021
Both the quality of construction and finish appears to be extremely high. The stainless steel frets feel so smooth and the augmented D shape neck feels way more comfortable to play on than the neck on my previous guitar. The quality of the sound from the new noiseless pickups is very good and having the ability to easily switch the two pickups in series thanks to the S switch gives easy access to an additional fuller sound. The guitar also comes with a very nice moulded case. Overall, I am absolutely delighted with my purchase. Thomann gave their customary excellent and helpful service.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
dokonalá kombinace tradičního provedení a moderních inovací
Sody 100 09.01.2022
Tato kytara je nástrojem snů. Vyznačuje se bezchybným řemeslným provedením a nádherným zvukem. Je to zkrátka pastva pro oči a i pro uši. Kytara má všechny luxusní vychytávky jako jsou noiseless singly, zamykatelné ladění nebo nerezové pražce. Je nutné také zmínit dokonalý lak a velmi příjemnou povrchovou úpravu hmatníku.
Pochvala patří rovněž společnosti Tomann za velmi vstřícné a velkorysé jednání. Tento obchod mohu jen doporučit