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Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
It is just about details
Musreview 27.01.2025
Today I received the guitar. When I picked it up I was amazed: the guitar is very balanced, light, the paintb and lacquer are perfect. The pickups are very hot, which I like. The only thing that is a bit lacking is the intonation, which is a bit sharp on a few strings, and more attention could have been paid to the edges of frets. Some of them are a bit sharp. Nothingbthat couldnt benfixed in a few minutes. Overall it is a great instrument.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Had to work on it, but then great
Lilla döden 28.11.2020
Pros: overall nice quality. The P90's sound great, and the pots feel great. The neck is pretty flat but wide, I love that even though I'm used to a thicker neck. The lightest guitar I've ever had, threw me off at first but it grew on me.
Cons: minor quality issues that was quite easy to fix.
Really nice overall finish. But I had to fasten the screws for the headstock logo that was buzzing when I played. Also had to lower the action and the pickups and tighten the neck since it hade way to much relief. The pickguard was also bent so it was "floating" above the body though the screws were tight. You could see through the gap between the body and the pickguard, that's how big it was. But I took it off, put it in hot water for a while at bent it back and now it fits snug against the body. I also polished the frets since they were a bit rough. After putting a bit of work in to it I now love this guitar!
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Retro mit Stil und Charm
Eahl 22.05.2022
Wenn auch etwas Griffbrett Pflege sowie Nacharbeiten an den Bünden nötig war, die Wilshire stellt sich als wirklich spielfreudige Gefährtin heraus.
Sehr vielseitig im Ton ohne sich wirklich in die P90-Ecke stecken zu lassen. Rundum zufrieden.
She is a keeper.