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I was listening to some of my past recordings and there was one where the guitar sound had something unique, magical. At first I thought it was the use of a certain preamp. I tried to record but that ingredient was not there. Through a photo of the recording session I saw the blue light (a bit strong to be honest) of the Dispatch Master shining. It adds something warm and organic that goes beyond the excellent delay/reverb, something in the circuitry that is truly fantastic. This little pedal has replaced a famous and cumbersome pair of effects. It is not possible to manage the two effects completely independently (4 stars), but the combo is still effective. I have already said about the light. Highly recommended if you are looking for something on the dark and warm side
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Il più bello di tutti!
MiCO1 16.05.2022
Il più bello di tutti! PUNTO. Ne ho due: il primo, più piccolo e con qualche miglioria in meno e questo. Il Delay/Reverb più versatile, comodo e intuitivo che abbia mai avuto. Qualità alle stelle e semplicità di utilizzo!