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Uso questa batteria da un bel pò e l' ho suonata molto è veramente un ottimo prodotto ed ha un suono favoloso!
Il marchio DW è una garanzia!
E come sempre Thomann sempre il migliore dove acquistare per la precisione e l' assistenza sempre presente!
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Excellent kit!
Ekebert 29.05.2019
I've had this kit for almost 6 months now and i can proudly say that these drums are absolutely worth the money!
The quality is unreal and the sound is awesome.
The sound is warm and quite predictable. You can tune these drums anyway you want.
The tom mounts are really good and work well.
The finish is absolutely beautiful and i would highly advise you go with the White Marine finish. It is a killer finish!
This is a professional kit for serious drummers.
The drums are actually pretty heavy since they have thick shells and quite heavy drum hardware, however you'll get used to it for sure.
One thing that i didn't like was that the bass drum hoops didn't seem to be lacquered from the inside and they didn't seem to have much to protect the wood. So you have to be careful when lifting the bass drum and make sure that your hands are always clean so that you won't get your beautiful hoops all dirty because the dirt might not come off the wood.
Other than that, excellent sound, excellent quality!
It is my dream kit and i have it! It is awesome!