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Ho installato 2 di questi pickup in posizione manico e centrale della mia stratocaster. Il suono è quello del tipico single coil, aperto e squillante ma senza il fastidioso ronzio. Ho mantenuto i potenziometri da 250k e mi trovo molto bene. Lo consiglio per chi è alla ricerca delle tipiche sonorità stratocaster ma non vuole il ronzio tipico dei single coil.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Anonimo 11.03.2014
I've been using Dimarzio pickups exclusively in my Strats for over a year now. I picked up this pickup about four months ago and have used it in both my neck & middle positions. The tonal quality will impress you. very "Stratty" sounding, very clearly. Gives you a bit thicker of a sound in the neck.. The Area 67 in the middle is even better than it was in the neck. Not shrill in the slightest...pretty enough for strumming or single note picking. I'm using my middle pickup by itself more than I ever have. I know there are purists out there who swear by single coils, however in my ears 60 cycle hum sounds terrible. I'd love to wire a Strat with three of these to see what it sounds like. I can't fathom that anyone would be disappointed with this pickup. I'm a rock n' roll / blues player and give this pickup a blue ribbon. If you're a newcomer to aftermarket pickups, Dimarzio is amazing
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Like a vintage strat but hotter.
jd5535 12.01.2015
This is a fantastic pickup for a few different reasons. Firstly, because its got a great vintage tone with a slightly higher output, great for the bridge position of a strat. It's also hum cancelling so there's no unwanted noise coming from my amp. I have it in the middle position of my strat with a super distortion humbucker in the bridge and the super dist. is so high output that most single coils cant come near it in terms volume, usually when you switch from a humbucker to a single-coil the volume just drops but the area 67 doesnt suffer as much as lower output pickups while still retaining a nice vintage tone. It sounds great clean and when overdriven, you can get some nice blackmore-esque tones.