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After watching reviews, reading about it and studying the Hoovi's website I decided to buy it. The main reason behind the purchase was the fact that I had problems hearing myself in the band mix. It is hard to cut through the massive rhythm sections and keyboard but I'm happy to say that Deeflex solved all the problems. The guitar sound is all around and everyone can hear it. The whole band really benefits from it. The quality of the sound improved significantly, with all the details, delay repeats and reverb trails audible and present.
I have been using it over the last two weeks at home and rehearsals, it is yet to be tested on stage but I would highly recommend the Deeflex to any guitar player or any band as it does make a massive difference.
I use it with Kemper and a passive Kemper Kabinet 1x12 but I'm already planning to buy the second one for 2x12 configuration.
It is a bit pricey but in my opinion is the money well spend. It's not more expensive than some high end pedals and it does more than any pedal will do in terms of sound clarity.
Highly recommended!!!
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Luftiger Sound
Aloha 08.12.2021
Ich bin ein Fan von luftigen Sounds und mag die brachiale Frontbeschallung mit engem Abstrahlwinkel nicht.
Das Deeflexxx verwandelt den Sound eines Frontstralhlers in einen luftigen, deutlich gleichmäßig im Raum verteilten Klang. Super gut und jetzt hören alle was aus dem Amp kommt.
Billig ist das nicht, es fühlt sich aber nahezu unkapputtbar an. Und wer weiß wie teuer eine Spritzgußform ist, der versteht auch warum man das Teil aus diesem Material nicht billig produzieren kann ....
So wie es gefertigt ist, hält es sicher ein Musikerleben lang.
Gerne hätte ich dafür noch eine genau passendende gepolsterte Tasche ... scheint es aber (noch) nicht zu geben.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Gesundheitsminister 03.02.2023
Was soll ich sagen, ihr müsst das unbedingt selber ausprobieren. Ich bin schwer begeistert. Ein Stern Abzug für die doch sehr hohen Anschaffungskosten.