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A bit overpriced but they sound very good for their size
Jon Nord 05.03.2021
The quality is very good. They sound excellent for their size, including piano sound, for which they are designed and which is notoriously the most difficult to find good speakers for. (If acoustic pianos sound good on your speakers, then pretty much anything will!) They are very well put together and sturdy too. They look classy as well.
The "only" issue with this product is that I think it is most definitely overpriced. At the end, they're small near field monitors, 600 eur is a bit too much. Another small downside is that their amp doesn't have a level knob neither an equalizer, so both of those things have to depend on the source.
The box includes brackets for installing them over any Nord compatible keyboard, two pairs of instrument cables and a power cable to connect them together.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Great Speakers to Accompany Nord Piano
Slovat 30.09.2021
I initially couldn't decided as to whether to buy these red speakers or a similar set of Yamaha active speakers. I am glad I chose these - they integrate with the piano itself and make for a great looking set up - which i don't think I would have got with third party speakers.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Brilliant un-parallelled monitoring
AlastairC 15.04.2024
These absolutely complete the Nord experience. The sound is full, clear, and meaty. They look fantastic on the keyboard, give incredible flexible monitoring, and are worth every penny.