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Pedale riverbero decisamente interessante, alcuni suoni molto classici, ma alcuni sono mooolto interessanti. Slowverb / Lo-fi e plate sono veramente particolari. altri settaggi come room e spring altrettanto classici ma molto belli.
Pedale robusto, che non occupa troppo spazio. Veramente un bell'effetto. Super consigliato.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
You need to use the latest firmware (1.2) to make it sound how it should. An excellent reverb
DinSync 22.11.2024
If you buy this as I just did on cyber week for a great price €159, you need to update the firmware. It doesn’t have the latest in there. Takes ages and you need an older Mac to use the updater software on Mac. Not a great experience. But when I first got it, it sounded dreadful apart from the halls and straight verbs. After the update it was transformed. The shimmer became remotely useable (not the best) the spring likewise, but levels were improved and I presume with the tweaked algorithms, it sounds excellent. The room, plate, hall etc are brilliant. All the others are great but shimmer and spring are not highlights but I don’t use them anyway. Overall for the deal price, a bargain. Hardware is top notch.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
It’s Ok
Thatguyoverthere 14.02.2024
Ok, it’s not as deep as the RV-500, but has some decent sounds. The Modulated reverb is not the same as the RV-5 and the plate and shimmer do not sound as good as the Big Sky. There’s something in the tail of the reverbs that sounds artificial to me in Boss reverbs. ARP mode is ok but only has one sound, can’t adjust it.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Versatile reverb
Gunel Culfayeva 06.12.2024
I bought Boss RV-200 for my harp and it has many types of reverb that made my harp sound very unique. I like "arpverb" and "shimmer" a lot. Perfect for ambient music.
Built-in EQ works well and it helped me to achieve the sound i wanted.
Very versatile pedal and it requires time to discover all the functions of each reverb.