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MIDI Adapter
To control the BluGuitar AMP1 by an external MIDI controller
Connect to the remote socket of the AMP1
This is used to call up all the AMP1 switching functions via MIDI Program Change commands as well as control of Master Volume, Gain / Clean Volume, and PowerSoak via MIDI Control Change commands
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Bellissimo cavetto per collegare la bluguitar alla sua pedaliera. peccato il cavetto sia corto. Un po più lungo sarebbe stato ideale. ottimo prodotto comunque
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Good, expensive and a bit confusing
Rohan D. 29.01.2016
This works well as a product. Unfortunately,
1. the MIDI manual was not very clear on the BluGuitar manual (I was using a TC Electronic Nova System at the time). After a lot of Googling, I found this: works perfectly, but I just wish this information was in the manual or bundled with the cable itself.
2. It's quite expensive for just a little cable!
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Works great
David3186 15.06.2015
Bought to control my AMP1 via midi, works like a charm. If you have any problems then check with BluGuitar, there are two different firmware versions and your AMP1 might work slightly differently to the instructions. Mine did, and a quick email solved the problem.