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Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Klingt super
Florian st 27.04.2023
Mir gefällt der klang sehr gut, aber headphone out klingt absolut gar nicht nach dem Verstärker.
Der ist also echt schlecht. Is mir aber eigentlich ziemlich egal.
Der Blackstar ist auch noch mit 5 watt echt laut vor allem im Zerrkanal. Finds zum üben zuhause aber noch nicht zuuuuu laut.
Mag den Amp sehr und würde ihn wieder kaufen, im 50 watt modus ist er superlaut und finde nicht, dass er dafür übermäßig laut brummt.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Much power in a not-so-expensive amp!!
Dr Melban 10.10.2024
I bought this Blackstar Debut 50R Cream Oxblood amp as while ago - and man am I satisfied! This handy (don't weigh so much) amp gives you value for your money. I bought it since I didn't have a lot of money to spend on an expensive tubeamp (wich I actually wanted). I was surprised by the sound and power of it! I play in a bluesrock band and needed an amp that I could gig with, as well as sitting at home and practice. The Blackstar Debut 50R makes it! The 50W givesyou definitive power enough to play rock in a relatively big concert room and the 5W-mode is perfect for practicing at home, keeps you energy consumption at a really low level as well as keeping you neighbours happy. I feel very confident with the quality of the amp and it feels to me that the UK Blackstar company shure knows what they're doing! Great work, guys!