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Superb Aquila 8 string set
Anonimo 15.10.2016
These were fitted by Thomann onto my newly acquired Baton Rouge 8 string ukulele converted to left hand operation. They produce an excellent sound at both ends of the fretboard. In my opinion these strings are great value for money and are ideal on this instrument.
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
Aquila 8 String Got to be the best
Raymond588 05.12.2017
I have just bought an Eight String Ukulele which has Aquila strings fitted and wanted a spare set to keep in the case and was surprised how much cheaper they were from Thomann than most companies in the UK. I bought them with some other stuff so I didn't have to pay for postage. Great strings
Sfortunatamente si è verificato un errore, La preghiamo di riprovare più tardi.
for duble stringed Tenor
Anonimo 22.11.2016
I bought it for my Baton Rouge 8 sting. Its my first Uke, but i played on borrowed ones several times, and i have to say the intrument and strings are also perfect!
Good sound, great value!