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Revv G20 Amp Head


Tête d'ampli guitare à lampes

  • Comprend un canal Clean et le canal Purple à lampe à gain élevé REVV, avec trois étages de gain et un commutateur Wide pour la mise en forme du son
  • Petit et léger
  • Commutable de 4 à 20 Watt
  • Two Notes Reactive Load & Virtual Cabinets (6 baffles virtuels personnalisables et sélectionnables via le bouton rotatif avant ou jusqu'à 128 via MIDI pour aller directement à une console de mixage, à une interface ou au casque sans baffle)
  • Le commutateur Pre & Post sélectionne en mode direct de charge réactive si l'amplificateur de puissance est dans la chaîne de signal
  • La charge réactive est activée automatiquement si le baffle n'est pas reconnu pour protéger l'amplificateur
  • 2 canaux
  • Puissance: 20 Watt
  • Lampes de préamplification: 3 x 12AX7
  • Lampes d'amplification: 2 x 6V6
  • Contrôles: Gain, Treble, Middle, Bass, Volume, Virtual Cabinet
  • Commutateurs: Wide, 4/20 Watt, Ch., Aggr., Pre/Post, Store, 8/4 Ohm, Groundlift, Internal Load/Speaker
  • Sorties baffles 8/4 Ohm sur Jack 6,3 mm
  • Boucle d'effets tamponnée en série sur Jack 6,3 mm
  • Entrée sur Jack 6,3 mm
  • Sortie casque sur Jack 6,3 mm
  • Entrée MIDI
  • Port USB
  • Sortie symétrique sur XLR
  • Dimensions: 312 x 160 x 190 mm
  • Poids: 4,8 kg
  • Housse/gig bag incl.
  • Fabriquée au Canada
Référencé depuis Avril 2020
Numéro d'article 485021
Conditionnement (UVC) 1 Pièce(s)
Puissance 20 W
Lampes de puissance 6V6
Canaux 2
Réverbération Non
Footswitch Non
1.349 €
Envoi gratuit et TVA incluse.
Disponible sous 1-2 semaines
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4.7 / 5

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14 Commentaires

Ampli de mon rêve
Kirk Wahmmett 23.08.2021
Hésité pendant un an j'ai enfin pris cet ampli en main. Packaging de luxe avec les accessoires. Niveau son vraiment surprenant. Le canal clair est un plateforme idéal pour les pédales et le volume est gérable chez soi. Un Clean super dynamique par contre ça crunch avec des micros emgs . Avec un strat, vous obtenez un clean fender. Le canal disto est fait pour du métal surtout avec les deux agressions mais il faut un boost un un tubescreamer pour obtenir un son méchant .
Le two notes intégré est le point de vente de cet ampli .vous aurez des milliers de cab sur two notes (payants malheureusement). C'est l'outil ultime pour enregistrement home studio.
SEUL défaut pour l'instant est qu'il y a une grosse claque quand switcher entre le 20w et le 4w . A ce prix la ce genre de détail n'est pas cool .
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Super ampli
jojo85 12.05.2020
Je cherchais un ampli pour la maison, juste un mot ''EXCELLENT'' même à faible volume sa sonne, en clean, en distorsion, avec des pédales, tout sonne et je trouve facilement un preset, je passe du clean à du zz top ou métalicca

De plus pas besoin d'un autre achat styte loadbox ou torpedo cab, il se connecte au pc pour simuler des cabs et le résultat est encore meilleur que via mon cab

la qualité de fabrication est surprenante, vraiment pour l'ampli que j'ai toujours cherché !
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google translate gb
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
This is a home guitarist dream!
crash2032 12.05.2020
Seems like I am the first one user here, at Thomann :)

During the whole of my music career, I played mostly with modular processors, like Line 6 HD500X. I'd say, that it's pretty decent and easy to use stuff, especially when you are touring guy. But when we speaking about recording - using floor processors is not a great idea. Some high end digital harsh, lacking natural response made me start to look for something new, some gear, which helps me within my home studio and during touring as well. And now Revv G20 story begins. My main requirement was to have small watt amp, small size device, with crystal "clean" sound and aggressive "overdrive", for covering all my basic needs. What I like about Revv G20, that it includes everything and more. "Aggression" switch really change rules, and makes the sound very different, which is very useful, if you have some differences between lead sound and rhythm sound. Additionally, embedded Torpedo Load(probably captor X) helps you to be in peace with your neighbors and easily practice at home. Probably the main cons are that you have to look for some complex midi-switch to control this beast.
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google translate gb
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Ticks all the boxes and more...
BongZ 03.08.2023
After playing live for over 30 years, lugging 100watt+ tube amps and their respective speaker cabinets, my physical body started a "less weight more play" campaign.
A variety of options are readily available in form of modeling amps, toneprints, profiling amps,... All lightweight, with endless options of mimicking sounds.
Then I bumped on a youtube video about "lunchbox amps" and as I own a superb Orange OR100, (needs a forklift to move) the options of a lightweight, smaller version looked immensely practical.
And then the Revv G20 came up... Having known REVV for their "purple channel" on their 120 watt flagship amp, my interest was peaked.
And the G20 dellivers, the clean channel is not useless, but you do need to "tame" the output of your guitar in case of high output pickups, as it will break up very easily.
The gain section was apparently taken from the generator series and offers 3 switchable gain stages, however subtle these may seem, there is a very noticeable difference.
In combination with the built in two notes torpedo impulse module, the versatility becomes near infinite.
As sound, in my case high gain, is mostly dependent on the speakers used.
Another perk when shifting through the impulses, was that my goto speaker cabinet (H&K GC412 Triamp cap greenback) was readily available as a preset.
All this is programmable by midi, and setting this up is a breeze.
Hooking up aforementioned greenback cab, this amp is LOUD!!
But when heavily driven, it's also pretty noisy, and one needs a pretty good noise gate to keep this down.
The gain stages vary from a typical rocky crunch to full out "these go to 11" high gain.
Rotary knobs are however not midi programmable, so going from summer of 69 break up, to Handshake with Hell full gain will require a slight turning of the gain knob... :-)
And it handles B tuned guitars as a dream, no definition loss, and as Ola once stated, IT CHUGS.
As this is a full tube amp, it's responsiveness to picking strength or guitar volume rolloff still beats any profiler imo, while in combination with an FX module offers the same versatility.
And more recently I've been using the G20 for this goofy rock coverband, using a HD500 in the loop, and it's getting nothing but compliments on the sound it produces.
And then there's the studio applications...
Doesn't need a load, just straight into the DAW, and bob's yer uncle.
Revv really hit the mark with this, full tube, ease of use, incredibly versatile in sound, programmable, full tube, torpedo two notes, full tube...
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