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Modal Cobalt8X


Synthétiseur analogique virtuel

  • Polyphonie 8 voix
  • 61 touches sensibles à la vélocité avec aftertouch
  • Clavier Fatar TP9/S
  • 24 boutons
  • Joystick 4 axes verrouillable
  • Ecran OLED
  • Modes Glide/Portamento (modes Legato & Staccato), ainsi que modes clavier Mono, Poly, Unison (2, 4, 8), Stack (2, 4)
  • Filtre Ladder morphable 4 pôles avec contrôles Cutoff (fréquence), Res (résonance), Morph
  • 2 groupes d'oscillateurs indépendants avec jusqu'à 4 oscillateurs chacun
  • 34 algorithmes tels que synchronisation, modulation en anneau, formes d'ondes morpables et plus
  • Séquenceur pas à pas
  • Arpégiateur
  • 3 effets DSP indépendants (FX1, FX2, FX3): Chorus, Flanger, LoFi, Ping-Pong Delay, Phaser, Reverb, Rotary, Stereo Delay, Tremolo, X-Over Delay
  • 300 programmes d'usine (500 presets max. mémorisables)
  • Compatible MODALapp
  • Dimensions (LxHxP): 855 x 300 x 100 mm
  • Poids: 9 kg
  • Flight case adapté optionnel non-fourni (512978)


  • 2 sorties ligne sur Jack 6,3 mm
  • Sortie casque sur Jack stéréo 6,3 mm
  • Entrée Aux sur mini Jack 3,5 mm
  • Entrée pour pédale d'expression sur Jack 6,3 mm
  • Entrée pour pédale de sustain sur Jack 6,3 mm
  • Entrée/sortie Clock Sync sur mini Jack 3,5 mm (spécification Teenage Engineering/Korg)
  • Entrée/sortie MIDI
  • Port USB

Remarque: Livré sans tablette

Référencé depuis Novembre 2024
Numéro d'article 507771
Conditionnement (UVC) 1 Pièce(s)
Nombre de touches 61
Sensible à la vélocité Oui
Aftertouch Oui
Splitage du clavier Non
Molette de modulation Non
Nombre de notes de polyphonie 8
Type de générateur de sons Analogique virtuel
Interface MIDI 1 entrée, 1 sortie, USB
Type de sauvegarde Interne
Port USB Oui
Effets 3 processeurs multi-effets
Arpégiateur Oui
Nombre de sorties analogiques 2
Sortie numérique Non
Écran Oui
Connexion pédale 2
Dimensions 855 x 300 x 100 mm
Poids 9,0 kg
Afficher plus
799 €
Tous les prix TVA incl. (TTC)
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7 Évaluations des clients

5 / 5

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6 Commentaires

du bleu dans les yeux
Fraonck 02.09.2022
quel clavier ! super touché, très agréable à jouer, des presets de qualité et des effets qui subliment l'ensemble. Au passage merci Thomann, livraison un jour en avance, top !
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google translate gb
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Amazing synth, supreme MIDI keyboard
b8ck8tt 12.12.2022
- Outstanding build quality
- Top-notch Fatar keybed

These two reasons alone made me purchase this product, even though originally I was looking just for the quality MIDI keyboard to hook up to my PC and play jazz on electric pianos VSTs. However, the "synth" part of the product turned out to be fantastic as well.

Continuing with pros:
- Fantastic oscillators: you can get sounds that are impossible unless you go modular, super inspiring
- Very responsive joystick, combining both classic wheels into one control
- Subjective, but visually I find it very beautiful, and so does almost everyone who sees it in the room
- Modal's product support is great. Not only they continue rolling out new firmwares and developing the already great product further (as of December 2022), also they reply all emails in a very polite and helpful manner.

Pros with a "but":
- Effects are hit or miss. With the latest firmware update some are now excellent, some are still lacking. However, all of them are usable, and even the not-so-good ones don't sound bad. Will I use the built-in effects when recording? Hell no, I'll use my VSTs. Will I feel bad about using these effects if playing live? Absolutely not, they sound good enough.
- Same goes for filters. Some sound excellent, some don't. Also all usable, and I don't feel bad about them.
- Handling is ok, most of the functions are labelled on the synth. However, I'm giving it 4/5 starts for two reasons. First of all, not ALL functions are labelled. Some you just have to find out about in the manual, and then memorize them. And also, secondary functions are in a grey-blue colour on a dark blue background. There is no way you can see it well in the dark environment. Still, after spending a couple of months with it, and learning all shortcuts, I can handle it with my eyes closed.
- Mod matrix is ok. However, even on Microfreak it's implemented in a more convenient and straightforward way. Still, it's usable, and not too irritating to program.
- Connectivity is excellent except for unbalanced outputs. Not a big deal for me personally, but might be not so nice for those who play live on big stages with long cables. Other than that, hooking up different sustain or expression pedals and setting them up is no problem.
- The sound is clean, but it's very quiet. It got fixed a bit with the latest firmware, but it's still weirdly quiet comparing to other synths.
- ModalApp is an amazing piece of software, but it still feels a bit janky. You cannot drag and drop patches, you don't have dropout menus when you need them, so you have to hold and drag, looking for the option you need, etc. So, UX can be definitely improved still. However, compared to competitors, it's insanely useful.
- ModalApp VST works perfectly on MacOS. You can use it as any other plugin in your DAW, and you don't need any connection other than USB from the synth you your MacOS device. However, with Windows things are much more complicated. You have to connect your synth to PC via USB in order for VST to send information back and forth. But since you also want to send MIDI to synth from your DAW as well, you need to connect it to your PC once again using standard MIDI cables. Also you need to set up your DAW in a specific way, and you cannot use Cobalt's keyboard as your MIDI controller anymore. So, if you are on Windows as I am, you have to do extra work or give up using the VST. Not Modal's fault, but Window's audio architecture quirks. Still sucks.

Speaking of cons, I cannot think of any, really. There are a couple of annoying things that bother me personally, but I don't feel to bad about them.
- The aftertouch is quite stiff (to be fair, it's not worse than on most synths). It's not Modal's fault, but Fatar's, but I know it can be done better nowadays. And it's not poly, which is also a bit of a bummer.
- Some parameters can be done a bit better with simple tweaks. For example, I don't want a single pitch bend range for down and up, give me two separate parameters. Also I want to create my own default preset, so when I initialize the patch, I don't have to set up a dozen of parameters that I want my every patch to have, etc. Stuff like that - it's not too bad, but a bit annoying.

Overall, it's a fantastic product. I'd have bought it even as a MIDI keyboard, because the build quality and keybed alone are worth the price and stand strong against the competitors. However, the synth is just top notch, and what's most important for me - a lot of fun. Cobalt 8X quickly became one of my favorite instruments ever, there is just something very special about it, so I end up playing it almost every day.
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Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Smooth und breit klingender Synth der Spass macht
Luke Woodapple 22.09.2021
Bin zufrieden mit dem Synth.
Zuerst negativ fiel mir der schwachbrüstige Kopfhörerverstärker auf, was aber im Studio keine Rolle spielt.
Toll ist widerum die Möglichkeit zwischen voller Polyphonie, 4, 2 oder einer Stimme zu wählen. Fehlen tut mir eine Chord Hold Taste.
Die Tastatur ist gut spielbar und spricht präzise an, auch Aftertouch lässt sich gut dosieren. Sounds lassen sich zügig und schnell erstellen oder verändern. Die Filter sind von der Characktaristik auch eher weich als brachial und griffig. Passen aber super zum Gesamtcharackter des Instruments, das ich vom Sound als voll, eher weich und füllend bezeichnen würde. Also schon das, was man von einem virtuell-analogen Instrument erwartet, ohne dabei dünn zu klingen.
Auch prägnante Leadsounds sind möglich oder FM-artiges.
Die 3fach Effektabteilung klingt hochwertig.
Verarbeitung 1A...klar...einzig der Joystick ist meiner Ansicht nach auf Dauer ein Schwachpunkt......wer mit dem Gerät auf Tour geht, sollte den gut schützen, da er weit herausragt.
Trotzdem volle Punktzahl....der Cobalt ist eine klangliche Bereicherung in meinem Studio, neben diversen Nords, Moog Sub 37, OB6, Hydrasynth u.a. mit eigenständigem Charackter.
Für den Preis gibt´s für mich momentan wenig Vergleichbares, da hier neben dem Sound auch die Verabeitung zusammen mit dem Preis besticht.
Den Editor nutze ich momentan nicht, da ich Sounds gerne übersichtlich am Gerät erstelle und nicht erst die Software öffne.
Meinerseits eine uneingeschränke Empfehlung !
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google translate se
Une erreur est malheureusement survenue, veuillez réessayer ultérieurement svp.
Excellent build quality and massive sound
thezenix2 28.05.2021
Everything feels solid and high quality. The keyboard is absolutely top quality. The sound engine is good enough to simulate classic analogue patches, but when this synth really starts to shine is when you stop thinking analogue only, and start to experiment with the wave shapes. The filter feels a bit weak to me, and is mostly used to tame the sound, even if you CAN get nice filter sweeps out of it too.
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