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tc electronic Flashback Triple Delay


Electric Guitar Effect Pedal

  • Delay
  • With three independent delay engines that can be used simultaneously
  • 16 Types of delay
  • 11 Different subdivisions
  • Serial and parallel switchable
  • Tap tempo
  • True bypass (optional buffered)
  • TonePrint compatible
  • Beam compatible
  • Input for expression pedal
  • Stereo input and output
  • MIDI compatible
  • Analogue dry through
  • Including 9V DC power adapter
Myynnissä vuodesta Lokakuu 2014
Tuotenumero 350685
Myyntierä 1 kappaletta
Analogico No
tap feature Yes
Battery Operation Yes
PSU included Yes
230 €
Ilmainen toimitus sis. ALV:n
Saapuu varastoon arviolta viikon kuluessa
Saapuu varastoon arviolta viikon kuluessa

Tuotetta saatavilla pian varastoon ja lähetykseen.

Tietoa lähetyksestä

85 Asiakkaiden arviot

4.6 / 5

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58 Arvostelut

Taattua TC-laatua
Tuntematon 08.03.2016
Minulla on ollut viimeiset 5v aina vähintään yksi TC Electronicin pedaali laudassa ja Triple Delay jatkaa samaa laadukasta linjaa. Työnjälki ja yleinen laadukkuus ovat siis huipputasoa.

Perus X4:een verrattuna Triple Delay tarjoaa monipuolisemmin mahdollisuuksia erilaisiin delay-, reverb- ja chorus-ratkaisuihin. Itse käytän pedaalia niin, että ekassa muistipaikassa on hyvin reverb-henkinen kaiku, toisessa muistipaikassa on reilulla modulaatiolla varustettu delay ja kolmannessa paikassa ns. lead-delay sooloja varten. Näin on näppärästi kolmen pedaalin ominaisuuden yhdessä tyylikkäässä yksikössä. Useampi delay rinnakkain tai sarjassa antaa älyttömästi erilaisia ambient-mahdollisuuksia.

Toneprint-editorin avulla säätömahdollisuudet alkaa olla lähes rajattomat. Ihan älytön laite.
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Valitettavasti tapahtui virhe. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen.
Close but no cigar!
Mombasaflash 02.05.2018
At first sight the TC Electronic Flashback Triple Delay seems like a fantastic solution. Three totally separate delays with your choice of echo type, repeats and volume that can be activated individually or in any combination together, either in parallel or in series, PLUS a Tap function that all three delay engines conform to. And it has True Bypass when no delays are activated.

Once you get into it though, the cracks start to show. The first thing is really just a niggle. But annoying just the same. When any of the delays are edited, you cannot compare it to what you had before and you must save it if you do not want to lose the new setting. Saving it will overwrite the previous setting, which is now lost forever. If you do not save your edit and switch that delay off, all of your editing is lost and that delay will return to the previously saved settings.

It would be helpful to be able enter an 'edit compare mode' in order to test your new settings before overwriting the previous saved version.

To be fair, in practice it is unlikely that you would be changing the basic settings of each delay once you have had time to get accustomed to the whole unit and have arrived at your preferred general settings.

The second thing is MAJOR. Or at least, it is to me.

The True Bypass works a treat and your pristine, breathing guitar sound is absolutely unaltered when all the delays are off. But as soon as one or more delay is activated, your clean guitar sound goes down the tube. Not a very large tube, but still, the edge is taken off the highs and there is a general vaguely electonicky sort of air to the whole sound.

It is quite okay for the tone of the wet sound to be different from the dry sound because, after all, if you have selected tape echo as the tonal characteristic of the echo, the wet sound is going to sound very different to the dry.

What I did not appreciate is that the original guitar tone gets muddied when a delay is activated and this is not OK.

For example, if you turn the echo volume down, so that only the dry sound will be audible, your guitar sound suddenly goes slightly dull when you activate any of the three delays.

If crystal sound is not your thing then this would not bother you, but for me this is a deal breaker and I was very disappointed to have to send it back, because otherwise it really was ticking every box.

EDIT: After sending this unit back, I re-purchased it a couple of weeks later because, despite the failings I had experienced, it still intrigued me.

Quite some time later my original reservations still annoy me, plus the fact that, in a live situation, quick adjustment of a parameter on any one of the three delays is a nightmare. This is because each of the three delays use the same parameter knobs, with a three-position switch to allocate the knobs to the delay to be adjusted.

This means that the position of the knobs will never reflect the value of a particular parameter for a particular delay engine/preset.

The only thing to do was buy three Flashback2 pedals, so that the parameter knobs accurately reflect each delay's settings. The one obvious difference between three separate stomp boxes and the FB Triple is that the stomp boxes will always run the delays in Series, whereas the FB Triple offers the option for the three delays to also be run in Parallel.

But there is another significant difference. I tend to use the 'Tape' option mostly and the echo tone of the FB2 stomp boxes is totally different to the FB Triple. The individual repeats are warmer and break up quicker on the FB2, making the Triple sound a bit more clinical in comparison.

Whether you will prefer the cleaner sound of the FB Triple or the warmer, slightly trashed sound of the FB2 will be your preference.

I like them both so, unfortunately for my pocket but great news for TC Electronic, I have decided to keep them all !!
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Valitettavasti tapahtui virhe. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen.
Live or Studio?
G KASTANOS sax 05.06.2020
The unit's sound is amazing but the handling limits your performance choices. I prefer this pedal for studio recordings where I have the time to tweak the parameters but it can surely be used in a live situation as well.

-great sound
-tap tempo
-many subdivisions
-heavy duty, metal design
-save external tone prints via computer/android app
-mono or stereo
-amazing soundscapes-limitless possibilities!!!

-NO GLOBAL tap tempo
-in order to save changes (even tap tempo) for each delay separately you have to change the delay knob 1/2/3 by hand
-apparently no new firmware updates

It is a great delay pedal if what you need isn't based on "rhythm" but ambience although the built in tap tempo is extremely accurate
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Valitettavasti tapahtui virhe. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen.
After almst a year - still inexhaustible
The Urwerke 17.10.2021
Fantastic item - really opens up possibilities - running delays in parallel or series and then playing with various tone options
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