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Tekee sen mitä pitääkin, kiinnitys kuminauhoilla hieman epäluotettava ainaki HB SC-450 kitaran kaulasasa. Muuten toimi ihan hyvin ,pitää vain olla varovainen ettei suoja lähde paikaltaan.
Raportoi ongelmasta
Raportoi ongelmasta
Rokkipoliisi 27.06.2019
Great way to protect guitar neck when working woth the frets.
Valitettavasti tapahtui virhe. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen.
Fingerboard Damager not Saver
mjmorrell 07.01.2018
Bought these to protect my fingerboard whilst doing fretwork.
Unfortunately these had the opposite to the desired affect to saving the fingerboard. The metal savers have burrs on the edge and so they cause fine cuts into the fingerboard of my expensive PRS guitar. I then had to sand these out. After noticing this after doing a few frets I stopped using them and went back to using masking tape.
I would advise not using these at all as they may damage your guitar as they did to mine. I would like to know if Thomann or Warwick are going to compensate for the damaged guitar?
Overall not impressed at all, they don't even deserve 1 star since they actually damaged my guitar which I then needed to repair. Waste of money and worse than if they were just useless.
Valitettavasti tapahtui virhe. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen.
Not that great
DT1980 30.03.2020
I bought these to protect the fingerboard during the polishing of the frets. But these things are so sharp that you have more chance damaging the fretboard than without them. Not practical in use either, a real hassle to put them on the board.
Tried them a few times, but never use them anymore.