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Rockbag Fingerboard Saver 3 jumbo


Fingerboard Saver for Jumbo Frets

  • Protects the fretboard during crowning, filing or polishing of the frets
  • Fits most commercially available jumbo fret wires
  • Fits between all frets on guitars, banjos and electronic basses
  • Fits between most mandolin and ukulele frets
  • Slot widths: 3.15 mm (0.124")
  • Slot length: 70 mm (2.76") - also fits most 5-string basses
  • Notches for fixing with included rubber bands on the neck
  • Made from flexible 0.2 mm (0.008") stainless steel
  • Adapts to the fingerboard radius
  • Dimensions (L x W): 80 mm (3.15") x 16 mm (0.63")
  • Set of 2 pieces including rubber bands
Myynnissä vuodesta Maaliskuu 2017
Tuotenumero 406111
Myyntierä 1 kappaletta
Size Jumbo
Amount 2
3,90 €
Sis. ALV. Ei sisällä 5,90 € rahtikulua

Tuotetta on varastossa ja se voidaan lähettää heti.

Tietoa lähetyksestä
Arvioitu toimituspäivä Maanantai, 24.02. - Tiistai, 25.02.

167 Asiakkaiden arviot

4.5 / 5

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80 Arvostelut

OK otelaudan suoja mutta
mahtosalo 11.07.2021
Tämä siis laitetaan nauhan päälle jotta se voidaan puhdistaa ja hioa vaikka teräsvillalla tai hiomapaperilla. Tekee sen minkä pitää mutta täytyy varoa hinkkaamasta tätä suojaa edestakaisin vasten otelautaa samalla kun hioo. Reunat saattavat jättää jäljen otelautaan. Joten pidä sitä hyvin paikallaan ja tarkista ovatko suojan reunat erityisen terävät. Kokeile vaikka johonkin toiseen puumateriaaliin ensin.
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Oliverjjj 17.08.2017
I purchased this for fret rounding and finishing, but it's a bit too thick. I'd rather just use painter's tape on the frets.
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Raportoi ongelmasta

Mikko J. 09.08.2022
Tämä yksinkertainen esine ajaa täysin asiansa eli suojaa otelautaa nauhaoperoinnin aikana.
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Raportoi ongelmasta

google translate gb
Valitettavasti tapahtui virhe. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen.
Essential for fretwork!
Bob @ Piedmont Guitars 09.05.2019
If you've ever ruined a fretboard, because you didn't want to go through he hassle of taping everything off, this is for you. I bought this for a friend, because he taped off his fretboard with the wrong kind of masking tape. He used the old style tan colored masking tape, on a maple vintage Fender fretboard, to polish out a few dings he got on the frets. By the time I got over to his place, the tape had been sitting on the fretboard for at least 30 minutes. When he went to remove the tape, all of the old nitro came off with it. Not cool at all. Now I'm refinishing the whole darn neck for him and a new set of frets. Next time he needs to steel wool his frets and polish them up a bit, he can slap one of these down and get right to work without worrying about whether the new nitro will come off (it won't, but still....) or whether or not he will get fret dust ground into the maple.
For Pros: I guess the best I can say is that it saves you so much time. Taping off is a pain. Also the cost of these are so affordable, I bought myself another one for myself.
Cons: really? I can't think of any. Can you?
It's a great time and money saving tool that is essential for any kind of fret work.
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