Evästeidemme avulla haluamme tarjota sinulle parhaan mahdollisen ostokokemuksen kaikkine siihen liittyvine yksityiskohtineen. Tähän kuuluvat esimerkiksi sopivat tarjoukset, personoidut mainokset ja mieltymysten tallentaminen. Jos tämä sopii sinulle, hyväksy vain evästeiden käyttö tilastoja ja markkinointia varten klikkaamalla ”Selvä!”. (täällä). Voit peruuttaa suostumuksesi milloin tahansa evästeasetusten kautta (täältä).
Sinun pitää kirjatua sisään, jotta voit arvostella tuotteita.
Huomio: jotta vältymme kuulopuheisiin, epätäydelliseen tietoon tai mainontaan perustuvia arvosteluja, niitä saa tehdä vain asiakas, joka on tuotteen meiltä ostanut.
Sisäänkirjautumisen jälkeen löydät kaikki arvosteltavat tuotteet kohdasta “Arvostele tuotteita” asiakastililtäsi.
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I never knew what I was missing
Silver_Fox 05.06.2020
I always liked the old school tones and technology when it came to guitars. Always looked up and admired artists with those vintage Les Pauls around their neck. That great rock tone from a Marshall with a Gibson.
Then came the day I bought an ESP LTD ec-1001T-CTM.
It had the famous 81/60 EMG's in it. I wanted this guitar for diversity in my sound and collection. The sound was great but it lacked dynamics and a bit of personality, the sound was just a bit too sterile.
I researched and pondered about buying the HetSet.
When I got them delivered and put them in my guitar it was like wow. What the 81/60 was missing the HetSet more then delivered.
Tone can be raw and hard, but can also be warm and clean.
You can roll back the volume and clean them almost up entirely even when being on the lead channel of the amp.
Now this guitar and sound has become my favourite and I barely touch my gibson les paul anymore...
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Love them
Ziegenkaese 11.11.2020
I put them in my Epiphone Explorer guitar and they sound awesome.
The conversion from passive to active was really easy. The inclued instructions were very clear. I love the sound!
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Great pickups.
Puskas 22.05.2024
Great pickups. Not only because it's a JH signature, but these pickups are great! I swapped the 60/81 with the JH.
The neck pickup is awesome and gives you a little more pleasure for clean parts in my opinion and the lead is a beast! Very happy
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Just super!
Reili 09.07.2017
I have Gipson custom which sounded good in the past. Now I have ever lasting sustain, great clean tone nad super overdrive. This product is with very hight quality, installation is very simple and the look is super good. I am very satisfied!