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cloggs almost immediately
Lisa2021 05.03.2021
I bought the Yamaha bass recorder after reading many positive reviews. Unfortunately my experience with this instrument is different. The biggest problem is that the recorder starts clogging up almost immediately and after five minutes becomes unplayable. Even blowing the condensation out doesn't improve the sound. Another complaint I have is that the high B sounds awful. There is a very airy sound and a lot of overtones. The low B is a bit sharp and also doesn't have a pure sound. It's really a shame because without these problems it would be a lovely instrument, because the sound of the other notes is very nice. Also note that the fingering of the low E flat is not as indicated in the instructions that come with the manual; it is 013 rather than 0134.
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A revised opinion
Recman 28.07.2020
I must admit that when this instrument arrived I was not very happy with it, but after playing it for some months now I have to say that my opinion has changed. I now feel quite happy playing the instrument and although it is not perfect, it has no significant flaws.
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Reliable bass with good tone.
Jena 27.01.2019
I am delighted with the Yamaha 302. It plays reliably in tune from bottom F throughout its register through 2 octaves.
I play in a 3 different groups and find the sound of my Yamaha bass holds its own alongside the more expensive wooden basses.
This is my second Yamaha YRB 302 as I needed a spare and am so pleased with the model that I bought a second. The only downside is that the top joint on my old one keeps getting stuck and is difficult to budge. This problem has not occurred on my new one.